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Joe's 50 Chevy Truck

This is years ago with my 1962 Glasscraft boat (I sold the boat to the son of the original owner in July of 2014). This is Pathfinder reservoir in Wyoming.

This is how the truck looked in 1985 with the 1958 WarHawk Camper. This is at Granite reservoir in Wyoming.

The Truck is pressed into daily commercial service , once again. It does advertise well and people always look.

The '50 Chevy is still looking good as summer arrives for 2014 in Wyoming. I drive it daily even through the winter snow. Over a million miles in 64 years.


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ajoehageman on Apr 29, 2011 said:

I found this site today. I'll put better photos on soon. I have been driving this truck almost daily for 31 years.

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Brandon on Apr 30, 2011 said:

Daily driver for 31 years? That is amazing! Beautiful truck.

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ajoehageman on May 5, 2011 said:

It looks good at 61 yoa. Its been 32 years since I hauled it from a field. 7 engines (2 w/ blowers), lots of mods like tube frame and Z28 subframe, tilt, cruise, disc brakes, swaybars,keyless entry and so many things across the years I can hardly recall.

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ajoehageman on Apr 3, 2012 said:

There is one major drawback to driving the Truck as a daily driver. People seem to believe that you want to have conversations about it no matter where you are. They even stop in front of me at stop signs, get out and want to come to my window and talk about the Truck ad nauseum. I've even learned to walk backward past it through parking lots to get in and escape before the waiting group can hold me up.

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ajoehageman on Jun 12, 2013 said:

I'm still driving it daily. It may be 63 but nowhere near retirement and it still turns lots of heads.

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ajoehageman on Aug 10, 2014 said:

Yesterday, when another person decided to tell me another story about a similar truck from his past while I was trying to go on my way, I had to explain something. In driving this truck for 34 years it was never intended as a conversation piece. Conservatively calculating the amount of time I have had to spend with the curious questioners and commenters, they have taken at least 8 1/2 24 hour days of my life. If you don't have time to burn, don't have a daily driver that attracts attention.

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Warrior on Jun 2, 2015 said:

You obviously take VERY good care of the truck. Impressive to be used so much and look so good. Very nice!

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ajoehageman on Jun 2, 2015 said:

Thanks, It takes some work after all these years and miles. The usual like new front springs and shocks last month, a new water pump last week and continuing maintenance. Saturday I'll pull the oak bed and put on a new coat of 2 part gloss epoxy as I do every 4th year.The Truck is 65 years old and this keeps it going strong and looking new.

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