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Road Runner

Clone MY Ride...

One of the new decals, Finally waxed the car, sitting in garage until some warmth returns..

Mopar lurking at night until the cold came around again... Now hiding in garage..

Washed waxed, ready for MORE gas!

My restored up dash, white over lay gauges, red LED lights and new dash cap, floor mats... Just put on new shocks and fuel tank, been busy, ill add a couple photos..

Painted rearend, fuel tank, new shocks and framerails painted...

Changed color of wing...

Evening, still to light but standing there you can see the dash LED lights good and they match my fender turn signals.

blurry, not really good picture

Ram guarding Cristy! :)

LED lights in, before some other upgrades, took factory filters off, new dash cap, LED lights and white overlays, I have under $200.00 in all.. I didn''t care for the tan wood grain, I darkened it by thinning super thin flat black and wiping it over the wood grain until i got it where i liked it.. Small shine from Armor-all..

Buffed out window chrome over this winter as well. lots of work and upgrades and more to come, hope you enjoy the short videos, enjoy!

Need someone please tell me how to make a new page for my truck, im adding a couple pics until, This truck is unreal in the shape its in, runs GREAT, all i need is the trans rebuilt or another one, rebuild kit and manual under 200 bucks, ill have around $2500.00 in it, I love the truck already reverse is all it has, If i fix it, ill keep it but i am entertaining the thought of trading it for a old Mopar car.. If i fix it i know i wont want to get rid of it, even has the spare underneath it with same rims. worse shape is the fender well lip in the one pic, P-side, just cant believe how well it was kept, a guy used it to tow a boat to the lake, more on its own page hope you like it.. AND has the Rhino bed-liner, wont need tires for a long time! should have at least cleaned the rims, this is how it was backed off trailer...

Worse spot on edge of fender well, no holes...

Side view..


Little bit of summer.. Bought a 97 Dodge Ram 1500 today, add pics and info soon..

Another touch of summer, wow, winter isint full bore yet, what can i say, garage work, stay busy..

New ones before winter work begins..

New ones before winter work begins..2

New ones before winter work begins..3

My EDDY Intake for a Big Block MOPAR... Great shape FOR SALE $130.00 + shipping (14 Pds)

A-833 Mopar tranny for B or E body 1970.

UPDATE Bell HOUSING SOLD! A-833 still here, for $400.00 + shipping..

273 SB Mopar out of a 1967 Coronet. 80,000 miles on it, complete ready to paint. FOR SALE $240.00

My ride, 73 clone RR I call her Christina after her great grandma Christine, shes a tad friendlier... Started life in the small garage in back, but now resides in a new garage (Old blue trailer gone) where i did the body/paint work for a little over 6 years. Virgina car originally, trailed up by friend for me.

Just before dark on a rainy day...

Putting back together, interior, Grill chrome,ect... this taken by bad daughter for a joke, Was a hard day, bad night. Yes i felt as bad as i looked!

Pictures scanned and put on, putting away for winter, car IS very dirty.. Same as one next one. one even has the scotch tape in top of photo.. sorry..

Winter hibernation..2010

Putting back together process...

This is my first MOPAR at the age of 17, like to have it again, and the Age/Health that went with it... I will be adding more photos of Christina when i can, work done to her before these photos.. ENJOY..

New photos, 2011 Hibernation

Just got home from a ride, dirt roads kind of dirty ride!

After my ride

2011 Hibernation, But have some things ill be doing this winter.

Put away for winter ;*(


Video and audio clips

Wife sneaking out, with me taking a break from a broken shock mount bolt!

Small video of the car.. Camera not great but worked, this summer i tried it out!


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1228 car nuts gave this a thumbs-up. Do you? Thumbs-up


FreeRider on Oct 27, 2011 said:

Nice looking,great job,like the old style white wheel openings! I have a 74 real Roadrunner same color but black interior

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Anonymous on Oct 27, 2011 said:

Thanks very much! I need to update some pics, or add some. Id love to see yours, how do i do that? Ron..

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Brandon on Oct 28, 2011 said:

Ron, to see FreeRider's sweet '74 RR, just click on his name (in yellow) just above his comment. Thanks for posting your beautiful '73!

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FreeRider on Oct 28, 2011 said:

Thanks Brandon for explaining how Ron can get to see my car. I will get more pics of my vehicles up soon, been trying to figure out what happened to 2002 PT giving fault code P0700 & won't go in reverse & somewhat goes forward.

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Anonymous on Oct 29, 2011 said:

Let me know when you add some photos, im going to add some more myself, ones i just put in the cars pretty dirty.. not that bad but dirty..

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ghpcnm on Nov 27, 2011 said:

Very nice looking car, Ron. THUMBS UP !!!

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veloudaa on Dec 20, 2011 said:

You've got a great looking car Ron. Nice touch on the white wheel wells. I like it. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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RonRRC on Apr 8, 2012 said:

Any around NW Pa with Mopar that may be interested in 1982 350 Camaro, looking to trade, mostly want 68-70 Satellite 2 door, RR? Any mopar will consider! Contact me Camaro needs painted, little work needs done, runs good lower end rebuilt, 350 turbo trans, ill email pic and answer questions..

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Anonymous on Sep 18, 2012 said:

Interested in your 833 trans. Call me 432-254-8042

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