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4.6 L 32 valve NS, DHS


" Current condition as of June/2011 "

" Front of motor is 90 degrees to Starboard, as is the fact that it still is a FWD unit ..... "

" RF Kisser ..... "

" This is a very nice unit, clean and well kept ..... "

" Very nice Face ..... "

" My LF image as of June/2011 ..... "

" An other Florida unit, was on ' ebay ' from last month 7/2011, I hope it sold and has a great new home .... "

" The owner has a nice military history .... "


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Anonymous on Aug 14, 2011 said:

I got the impression from your comments that you're contemplating a RWD conversion...

Drivetrain out of an xlr

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amazonlover8 on Aug 20, 2011 said:

" Yes, that would be very true ..... I would need to have a new rear trans-axle setup from a HD Subaru Turbo flat 6 ..... Then the fuel tank/cell would, or might need replacement .... As for hubs, the original FWD one's would have to get locked/welded in a fixed spot ( caster/camber/toe ), and still have the independent suspention .... As for money to do welding and purchasing of all parts or units, the current debt load would need to drop off to just about zero ..... "

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v8b2000 on Aug 17, 2011 said:

Hmmmm...3-pointed star looks very out of place under the hood of that C-body.

Keep the pics of those C-bodies coming! The 1980 DeVille with the Caddy 368 was one of my most favorite cars ever made, especially when you consider the 500 will drop right into it. Timeless styling, tons of room and the potential to make an awesome pro-touring car.

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amazonlover8 on Aug 20, 2011 said:

" Sorry about that mis-placed image, I got under the other persons hood ..... " TKS for your great insight on this matter .... C-Bodys from TX are just out of this world .... I even had a Buick Roadmaster, 1996 I believe ...., wish I could have the 350 CID motor again along with the 4 speed Automatic/OD with converter lock-up .... Held the surface with GoodYear Eagle GT's, about the same time the dealership named ' Scott ' had to close in Pinellas Park, FL ..... As for Buick's the two that are great in all fields are Dick Norris & Crown .....

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