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1940 Ford Opera coupe

My 40 as seen in Hop up magazine

inside my 40

400 sbc cam and 202 heads.

Elmwood Auto Club plaque from the 50's


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Brandon on Dec 27, 2008 said:

What a beauty! The 50s auto club plaque is a nice touch.

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Anonymous on Sep 5, 2009 said:

Great car. Question; is every Ford coupe an 'opera' coupe, or only the one's with a fold down seat?

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tigerbaiter on Nov 23, 2009 said:

only the ones with jump seats are opera coupes

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Anonymous on Jan 28, 2019 said:

Incorrect x 2. Ford never used the terms jump seat or opera coupe in 1940. They called the seats "auxiliary seats". The coupe with such seats was called Business Coupe; without such seats was simply Coupe. Both styles were available in De Luxe and standard (also not a Ford term) trim.

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Anonymous on Jul 28, 2010 said:

what is the difference between a Opera Coupe & a Deluxe Coupe

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Anonymous on Jul 28, 2010 said:

The 40 fords with a package shelf and without the jump seats are not Opera coupes, they are business coupes

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Anonymous on Apr 13, 2011 said:

Looks a lot like a car my Grandma had back in the 50s. She called it Black Beauty.

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Anonymous on May 9, 2011 said:

On May 7, 2011, there were two identical twin 1940 Ford coupes parked outside a hamburger cafe at Roseville, MN. They were side-by-side and were mirror images of each other. Black cars with wide white sidewalls. One had an extra grill guard above the front bumper, otherwise they seemed to be exact copies. In the early 1950's I had a 1936 Ford five window coupe, and later a 1940 Plymouth business coupe, so I enjoy seeing cars like that 60 years later.

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Anonymous on Jun 16, 2012 said:

One of my dream cars, and will be one for me to enjoy some day. I am looking to trade my 32 ford roadster for a clean coupe like this one. My name is lance troupe and if you were to look under readers, click on the 40 and older, you can see the car, it has a Duvall windshield and is painted sapphire blue. check it out its a nice car.

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Anonymous on Aug 31, 2014 said:

I just bought a 40 deluxe business coupe without the back jump seat. I'd like to change the interior to incorporate the jump seat. Is the body (sheet metal) the same on both coupes?

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Anonymous on Jan 28, 2019 said:

If it doesn't have auxiliary seats (that's what Ford called them), you have a Coupe, not a Business Coupe. The bodies are the same but the interiors are different. Most noticeably, the Coupe has a parcel shelf and its seat has a solid back that swings up to access a luggage compartment behind the seat. The Business Coupe has the auxiliary seats and no parcel shelf. The seat back is split and folds forward to access the auxiliary seats. I suppose it's possible to install auxiliary seats in a Coupe but good luck finding all the necessary parts.

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Anonymous on Sep 9, 2015 said:

What is the difference between an Opera coupe & a Businessman coupe??

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Mario on Apr 15, 2016 said:

I was always a great fan of the 1940 Ford. You have a real beauty!

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Anonymous on Sep 27, 2016 said:

Beautiful car!

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