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S-8 Boyertown Body


More Cars of the 1950s
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ghpcnm on Dec 4, 2011 said:

Super Cool...Never seen one before. Let your imagination run wild with that baby!

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exmerc on Dec 5, 2011 said:

Thanks, I am going to restore it back to original with the exception of bucket seats, modified rear fenders and running board step from a '56 pickup to add more visual depth to the sides, and a utility rear bumper. I only know of four other trucks left from this era that have the Boyertown Body. Two are Fords ( both in TX, one Dodge (location currently unknown but saw it listed for sale) and one Chevy in NY. I saw it in its current location,knew nothing about it but knew I wanted it and had to have it. The paint is going to be two tone. Body dark and fenders lighter.

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ghpcnm on Dec 5, 2011 said:

You've really got yourself a "keeper" there... Can't wait to see it finished.

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