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LENS HHR..Hillbilly Hot Rod

Took some shots of our HHR after the long winter I got it all cleaned up and front of the old restored Standard gas station (Tourist info center) in Rochelle Ill.

Took some shots of our HHR after the long winter I got it all cleaned up and front of the old restored Standard gas station (Tourist info center) in Rochelle Ill.

Our 2006 H.H.R...I recentley added the silver flame strips and the chrome Eagle rear Lic. plate frame & American flag front Lic plate frame and added the Chrome carbon fiber on the rear hatch, gas door, and on the front and rear bumper pads...I also pulled the wheels off and painted the brake calipers and drums purple to match the car..9/7/11

Our H.H.R...It has the Latest Hi Tech Hound Dawg car Alarm!! 9/7/11

Our 2006 H.H.R...I recentley added the silver flame strips and the chrome Eagle rear Lic. plate frame & American flag front Lic plate frame and added the Chrome carbon fiber on the rear hatch, gas door, and on the front and rear bumper pads...I also pulled the wheels off and painted the brake calipers and drums purple to match the car..9/7/11

Our 2006 H.H.R...I recentley added the silver flame strips and the chrome Eagle rear Lic. plate frame & American flag front Lic plate frame and added the Chrome carbon fiber on the rear hatch, gas door, and on the front and rear bumper pads...I also pulled the wheels off and painted the brake calipers and drums purple to match the car..9/7/11

Our 2006 H.H.R...I recentley added the silver flame strips and the chrome Eagle rear Lic. plate frame & American flag front Lic plate frame and added the Chrome carbon fiber on the rear hatch, gas door, and on the front and rear bumper pads...I also pulled the wheels off and painted the brake calipers and drums purple to match the car..9/7/11

Our 2006 H.H.R.......The HHR was Loosely styled after the 1949 Chevy Suburban, the HHR also shares its lines with the SSR roadster pickup..


More Cars of the 2000s

1086 car nuts gave this a thumbs-up. Do you? Thumbs-up


ghpcnm on Dec 21, 2011 said:

NICE ... Thumbs Up !!!

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racefanlen on Dec 21, 2011 said:

THANKS! Have a Merry Christmas!

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azmusclecar on Oct 31, 2015 said:

Looks like the "mod" (modification) bug has bitten someone...........little by gets worse.....there's no cure......once're infected for life....... I can think of worse things to be bitten by, can you?

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