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Just Like Oldtimes


My Girl

I thought that the licence Plate would show up a little better.. ( 1949 ) Plate

Just more Pic's of "Baby"


More Cars of the 1940s
More Hudson Coverage

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Nick on Mar 8, 2012 said:

this appears to be a '49 hudson if memory serves me right.....back than the car maker of hudson automobiles would advertise them as the car one would have to "step down" in order to get into it.....great car and good luck with it.... Nick's Customized '49 Chevy ...... ps she certainly is a nice lookin lady.......

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badabing707 on Mar 8, 2012 said:

Tnx Nick, I'm happy you like it....

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Anonymous on May 1, 2012 said:

1940 Hudson was $670. My memories of the Hudson were a fine riding, classy auto. Power to spare, ride to match. You could always tell the difference of Hudson, my favor was the Jet.

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Anonymous on Mar 3, 2013 said:

We had a '49 Hudson 6 Commodore two door when I was a kid. I've loved those cars ever since, and this is a beautiful example.

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