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Chapter 12 - Clem Caserta character actor


~ Once Upon a Time in America ~ Photo added 11/1/16

~ Goodfellas Pizzeria Located on Staten Island, NY ~ I do believe that Clem may have moved to Florida tho ~ A copy of this photo was very recently sent to Clem in another post/comment to him lol ~ Photo added 11/1/16 ~ Today on 12/2/16 I again googled for the phone number of Goodfellas so that I could write it down in this chapter and the number is 1-718-987-2422 and while I was on the page I found it very interesting that Mickey Burns was also there to interview one of the owners who is no longer working at Goodfellas ~ Click on the following link to see Mickey Burns and the pizza guy that he interviewed ~

Date: Thursday, June 23, 2011, 8:03 AM



Over the course of my life time I have been lucky and fortunate enough to meet and get to know many celebrities just by being in the right place at the right time.......At this particular time there was a meeting of a fine character actor who has been portrayed in various gangster type films.......He has often been referred to as "Jimmy Whispers" and also maintains an acting school located in the vicinity of Staten Island........On several occasions on Staten Island I have met different celebrities including various politicians [Vito Fosella] either at the local shopping mall, theatre, local flea market [Steven Segal] or during the course of NYPD normal work assignments [Clem Caserta]........Although there are many character actors that are familiar to the public when they are seen in person, they may not be familiar when referred to by their name, so I have taken the liberty to inject a film clip of a now famous scene for Clem.....Should you wish to view this scene please click on the video at the end of this story........

...........In 1996 when I was assigned at New Dorp High School in a special administration department, Mr Clem Caserta came to this high school to take care of some personal matters pertaining to his situation.......He was in a bit of a hurry so he suggested being taken care of as soon as possible before all the other parents that were waiting their turn for assistance in their special ed problems.........When I viewed and recognized Mr Caserta the first thing that came to my mind was the fight scene in the film, "A Bronx Tale" but it still became my job to let him know, in a professional manner, that he had to wait his turn for assistance..........

I must admit that he acted like a gentleman and did as I requested......(I personally think that he made the suggestion to be next in line, as he wanted to be recognized as an actor...In this way he could sign autographs and further move his acting photos to the public in attendance, as I later saw him do while he was waiting for his assigned turn to come up; and in my mind I saw nothing wrong with anyone furthering their career ).........From research I have learned and it is my understanding that Caserta and Robert Diniro were good friends when growing up in the village and Diniro did the best he could in helping Caserta to get acting jobs in the Film Industry.........That help from Diniro gives me great pleasure in knowing that Diniro is willing to help an old time buddy.......That's the way its always been done in Hollywood if one were to look back at many of past films in history........The rest of the afternoon in the administration department was spent in a delightful manner in conversations and chatter with Mr Caserta.......As Mr Caserta acted in a manner of a fine gentleman that he really is, [in real life] I have taken the liberty to also include a gallery of further photos of his many accomplishments portrayed as a character actor............For some of these photos and accompanying stories on FaceBook please click the following link.....

Incidentally, for this past fathers day, my daughters and their families have kindly offered me as a gift, a surprise bonded leather presentation binder with the inscription "THE MEMOIRS OF NICHOLAS M.".......So as to give me the inspiration to continue and complete the many Chapters in my life story..... [ohhh noooo - fuunnnnyyy]...... So hang tight as we slowly resume this great adventure together....................

Nick 6/23/11

~ Image of Clem Caserta, Douglas Fairbanks Jr, Anthony Quinn and others unknown ~ Photo added 11/1/16

~ The Untouchables ~ Photo added 11/1/16

~ Photo added 11/1/16

~ The Untouchables ~ Photo added 11/1/16

~ Clem Caserta as Jimmy Whispers ~ Photo added 11/1/16

~ Vito Picone who sang the hit song "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" back in the '50s, Clem Caserta and Chazz with one other unknown ~ Photo added 11/1/16

~ A Bronx Tale ~ Photo added 11/1/16

~ A Bronx Tale ~ Photo added 11/1/16

~ Robert Diniro, Joe Spinnel and Clem Caserta were all in the film "Taxi"

~ The Famous Celebrity Hang Out from Politicians to Actors too lol ~

~ The Goodfellas original owners here in this photo to give their customers great service always ~

~ Mickey Burns the celebrity Interviewer and Ray Kelly the now retired NYPD Commissioner who gave me a signed copy of my Retired Certificate in 2003 ~

~ Signed certificate from NYPD Police Commissioner Ray Kelly ~

Video and audio clips

Biker Fight Scene with Character actor Clem Caserta in the film "A Bronx Tale"......

~ Clem Caserta was also in the movie called, "Pope of Greenwich Village" too with Mickey Rourke and Eric Roberts and if you like you can watch it right here lol ~


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nickmon4321 on Nov 10, 2016 said:

~ Another very interesting situation has very recently been bestowed upon us and that is that Diniro who is 1/4 Italian is directing a new Play on Broadway called "A Bronx Tale" ~ Diniro was on Jimmy Kimmel's nightly show last night to push the new Play and believe it or not Jimmy is 1/2 Italian that is 1/4 more that Diniro and Jimmy was bragging about that fact to Diniro too lol ~ They each explained where in Italy their family originated from and it's too bad that Clem Caserta was not in attendance, but unfortunately he now lives in Boca Raton, Florida ~

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nickmon4321 on Nov 28, 2016 said:

Please inform all contacts from your list not to open a video called the "Dance of the Hillary". It is a virus that formats your mobile. Beware it is very dangerous. They announced it today on BBC radio. Fwd this msg to as many as you can! SUN 11:09AM

hi nick clem would like to setup a conf. call in the morning. let me know thanks SUN 10:07PM ~ Hi Clem, Thanks for your response ~ You can reach me on a regular phone as I don't have a cell phone or a phone hook up to the internet ~ Should you still want to call you can reach me at 10:30 am and my number is x-xxxx-xxx-xxxx ~

Monday 11:30PM ~ Still waiting for Clem to call ? lol

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nickmon4321 on Nov 29, 2016 said:

~ Tuesday 12:30 PM ~ Clem just 5 minutes ago called me on my home phone and we had a small talk conversation like what I do with myself, so I mentioned Dina living in Key West Florida and we expect to go there in a couple of months and New Hope, Pa too that he said he had been to, I guess while he lived in S. I. ~ He said he lived in Boca Raton, Florida near the water and the high end ~ He also mentioned that he liked my concept of a pizzeria restaurant namely "Goodfellas Pizzeria" on Hylan Blvd in Staten Island and wanted to call them so could I get there telephone number while he waited on the phone ~ I looked up the number and gave it to him ~ He had to run to the front door and said he would call me back later ~

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Anonymous on Nov 29, 2016 said:

This was a fantastic story about Clem Cacerta , as all your stories are.You always seem to be in the right place at the right time...I certainly hope Clem calls you back and let's you know how his chat with Goodfellas Pizzeria went lol...thanks for sharing your remarkable life adventure...I wouldn't want to miss it...Connie Evans

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nickmon4321 on Nov 29, 2016 said:

~ Thanks Connie (Anonymous) for your comment as I always sincerely appreciate your kind words ~ Clem Caserta is one heck of a nice guy and I too hope that he calls back lol ~ btw you could not have done it better, to answer your comment on FaceBook to another post/comment ~

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nickmon4321 on Nov 30, 2016 said:

Clem Caserta a.k.a Jimmy whispers JUST ANOTHER BRONX TALE…. If you notice in the past and currently, Chaz Palminteri NEVER put a picture of me up or anything to do with the play The Bronx Tale. He don't like to pay people, he stole my identity in the play.! I asked for tickets. He said there were NONE available for the premiere. This guy is a shame to humanity and what he does to people. He wouldn't pay Butch Barbella for the Bronx tale music. Chaz had a play in Staten Island with monitors up with my picture..and when I asked why I have to pay for tickets. He wouldn't talk and ran out. This guy is greedy and a demon. Robert Deniro made him. And what did he did to Deniro is shameful. He couldn't chew gum and walk without Deniro. He denied Deniro the directing the play. If you really notice there is nothing to do with me and him or anything together regarding this play. However, Karma will catch this guy! I live in Boca Raton, I met someone in a restaurant-saying that Chaz is a bad guy.He opened a restaurant and didn’t even want to pay the people Or acknowledge them. He got the worst reputation. in town! Deniro .knows me 57 years and surprised he didn't handle it better. I know Im no alter boy, but this guy has the worst reputation in town. I gave my life for this movie. I was consultant to the production. I setup and picked wardrobe and helped cast the movie with Robert Deniro and Jane Rosenthal. And was not even acknowledged by Chaz. He is evil and an egotistical maniac. Joe Pesci had a cameo role in the Bronx Tale and he didn’t even give him any credit in the play. He is not a good person. In closing, you never bite the hand that feeds you. Looking for feedback here, let’s see your opinion. Thank you for your continued support. Clem Caserta. A.k.a Jimmy Whispers

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nickmon4321 on Nov 30, 2016 said:

Linda Emmanouilidis - Clem I was wondering why you weren't in the play. I see it advertised and your picture is there. POS karma will get him.

Michael KD - He's a selfish greedy little prick , thats what he says in the movie , must of been talking about himself , talk about wasted talent, hes the one thats in the wrong profession, he should be wearing a ski mask , It sucks that people like him exist !!!

Leo Pia D'angelo The Best! !!!

Concetta Maisano Costanzo - GREED!!! thats all I can say to this Clem!! He won't like what's coming back to him, what he is putting out in the Universe will find its way back to him!!!! You're a great guy and he cant take that away from you!!!!! :)

Dominick Laureano - Maybe you should do something that's yours, on your own......Write something, create something....Something that will "take off" & and when he comes knocking on your door for a part, tell him to go fuck himself.....I've been thinking about a wise guy sit-com....Never been done & I already have a few ideas. :-) NO.....The Sopranos wasn't a sit-com (LOL)

Paul John - Clem my opinion of Chazz just went out the window . I grew up watching that movie and you and Robert and Joe are all my favoritie actors who I must say should do one more big mafia movie

Charles Mineo - That's a shame to hear. What comes around goes around. That's a fact.

Carl Dante - Showbiz makes so many people turn on family&friends at times while trying to reach the top....truly tragic....seen this happen often

Joseph Nappo - an actor myself, i consider this line of work a privilege. In that light and spirit I go out of my way to help all actors acheive their goals. Although I live in Oklahoma, I've worked in NYC, A Bronx Tale being one having been an extra at the Jersey City Armory during the boxing scene. I was ringside and we briefly exhanged pleasantries back then between takes. See my IMDB... He was a gentlemn then...I guess his being on the fringe of true fame turns people into something less. You, in my opinion are aces...A gentleman and a great actor...Rise above this. All the best...Buon Natale...

Ci Ci Conti - Love this movie, this movie helped me get threw the death of my boyfriend, for 6 months I watched it every night.

Sal Indiviglia - Deniro lol what a loser. Fake Italian, He doesn't even know how to get to the Bronx

Nick Mondelli ~ When Joe Spinell RIP a family relative was alive he always gave credit where it was due and would many times give acting jobs to those that were involved with a movie because that's the way that he was and that's the way it is normally done in the film industry ~ lol Nick Mondelli's photo.

Robert Gutierrez-Spagnoli - Unbelievable what a jag off ...

John Nielson - What has Chaz really done after that movie blue bloods and a couple shitty movies he was always a jerk off he when he was young

Peter Sargent - Well your a Gentleman Clem,and that's all that counts eh.

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nickmon4321 on Feb 14, 2017 said:

~ Clem So much for the Goodfellas Pizza lol ~ BTW Clem did you ever call them after you called me on the phone and I got you their phone number lol ~ Donna ~ Connie ~ Angela ~ Image may contain: outdoor Unlike · Reply · 4 · February 11 at 7:01pm Nick Mondelli

Connie Asbury Evans Well did he?? minds want to know... Unlike · Reply · 2 · February 11 at 7:06pm

Nick Mondelli Unlike · Reply · 3 · February 12 at 12:46pm

Connie Asbury Evans Oh gosh darn it!!!... Unlike · Reply · 1 · February 12 at 12:47pm

Nick Mondelli ~ Thank you Lisa Schinelli Caserta for responding with a 'Like" under the 'GoodfellaS" photo ~ Can I accept this to mean that Clem Caserta did call the Pizzeria lol ~ Donna ~ Connie ~ Angela ~

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nickmon4321 on Nov 21, 2017 said:

on Jun 15, 2017 Nick said: ~ So that I have a memory of who I sent this chapter to I am going to keep the name and date of each recipient in this comment, but if any one wishes that I not mention their name in this area just let me know and it shall be removed without any hard feelings ~

~ Debra - Hollywood Website 6/15/17 ~ Old Hollywood - sent to all members - 7/30/17 ~ Claudia York - Joe Spinnel friend - 9/5/17 ~ Robert Rottenberg - FB Friend - 11/21/17 ~

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