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The Rebel Machine Guy


The 1970 Rebel Machine was the best car American Motors ever built. It was the only muscle car AMC ever built. Cars magazine did the most exhaustive, detailed review of any muscle car ever built. In their tests to determine ideal tire size and gear ratios, they turned repeated 12:73 in the quarter mile.

Motor Trend magazine published an article that identified the best, most outrageous muscle cars of the 20th century in 2000 and THE MACHINE was identified as #25. The cars were in no particular order and were not ranked. The '69 Rambler SC/Rambler appeared in the photo of THE MACHINE but didn't qualify because it was not a muscle car even though that car cleaned up at the pure stock races wherever it ran. It had the perfect power to weight ratio of any car that year.

When I started writing about Rebel Machines in the mid-nineties, they were a forgotten car. It took THE INTERNATIONAL REBEL MACHINE NEWSLETTER to change that and despite having only been issued for one year and six issues, it worked. The cover shown here is that of the 7th Newsletter that was never issued because it was created in Corel Draw and at the time I couldn't find a publisher who could produce it. No one had the program.

Now years later I've been able to rescue it from obsolete Zip disks and am going to make it available again.

This one was completed in 1998 and is truly a time capsule.

You can e-mail me if you're interested. It's 27 pages long, full colour, no advertising.

To order or for more information about AMC Rebel Machines you can contact me at


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