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Hutch's '99 Dakota R/T

It followed me, Can I Keep It?

I was heading to a friends when I spotted this Dakota for sale. I had been wanting one, in fact I thought I had one until the used car mgr. wholesaled it out from under me (that's another story). But, I didn't stop to look at it. A few days later, this truck showed up at my work, he was buying a car and was selling the truck. I run the truck buy my wife (trying to be good). That evening I said let's talk about the truck. She said "I like it, you want it, what's there to talk about?" I love my wife. The rest is history. After several years, my wife still giggles every time she fires it up to drive it.

She said Okay!

The Little Lady

Hard bed covers make great posing benches during photo shoots


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azmusclecar on Feb 16, 2015 said:

I always liked the muscular looks of this style truck. Fender flares and a throaty exhaust on that 5.9...hard to beat......

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