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Sinny's Bonneville '60

for sale, New Pics.

It is an all original Coronado Red 1960 Bonneville,4 Dr. Hardtop Vista. with 73,000 mi. it also has Factory A/C. I have not seen one like it so far in the U.S. it is just plain nice. it is for sale, contact me if you are interested.

Sinny's Bonneville, Add on. 389 ci, 4-BR, duel exhaust. not sure of the rated Hp. 4-Spd Hydro-Matic. will run all day at 70-75 M.P.H. some oil seepage around valve covers. new wheel cyl. and hoses, brake shoes,good drums. all replaced June 2014 also new engine hoses,thermostat, and clean radiator. car has never been overheated. I do not have to sell it, but I do not drive it as much as a fine example such as this should be shown and drove. all repairs have been kept to O.E.M. standards. As I type I am having the seats refoamed and the seems resewed if necessary and springs retied if needed. I will be adding interior, and trunk, and under hood photos soon. I'm thinking, realistically $21,500.00 or a respectful offer. by the way the seats are done and look and feel great.

Thanks Don

It will be at the Back To The Fifties annual car show as usual. this year it will be on June 19,20,and 21, 2015 at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. one of the best if not biggest Pre 1964 Car Shows in The U.S.A.

3.11.15 I added some more pics. will add more interior pics when I find them on my computer.

Thanks for Looking Don


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azmusclecar on Feb 22, 2015 said:

Those fenderskirts add to the long lean line......awesome color too........interior pics would help any perspective buyers........and throw in some engine pics for good measure.......

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Dirty_Don on Mar 4, 2015 said:

i will try to add the other pics, as soon as i figure out how to transfer them over thanks for the input Don

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Dirty_Don on Mar 23, 2015 said:

My Personal Phone # 612.578.5830 Anytime

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Anonymous on Dec 22, 2015 said:

Superb cah ! I learned how to drive in my dad's 60 Bonneville, the forerunner of all the muscle cars to come out of Detroit in the 60's.

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