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B-52 Bomber

Riviera 56R


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azmusclecar on May 19, 2015 said:

Having just written a long comment on the aircraft likeness of a 1960 Impala with the wings, now to see the "heavyweight" fighter. The fighter aircraft with their "F" designation are the lightweights in the air. This car looks like a bomber who are the ground pounders so appropriately named the B-52. You can say this was "shock and awe" back in the 50s. My grandfather had a stock one back when I was a cute kid. A really cute kid mind you. I rode in the backseat peering over the top of the seat. The car is painted the appropriate color and it's stance just has the right mean lean to it. So many things to look at from 3 fuel lines feeding 3 carbs to great valve covers. I have not seen one done up like this at the many many many car shows I attend. It's always nice to see a person's talent used to bring a car to life like this. Well done...........well done in deed.

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rockingb on May 19, 2015 said:

Thanks for the words, the B-52 was 12 years in the making ( not that it was that difficult, it is my first hot rod and at the wrong end of my life). There are so many small mods and item added, that are not apparent . I hope to make the ROUTE 66 trek from Chicigo to LA later this month. I have no doubt that all the flaws will show themselves out in the middle of NEW MEXICO. THANKS again for your comments.

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ghpcnm on May 21, 2015 said:

I absolutely love Buicks and yours is one of the finest. Very nice job you've done on a unique collectible. THUMBS UP !!!

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rockingb on May 22, 2015 said:

Appreciate your comment, everything on this car was done at least first attempt , then second attempt, then help, and here in Michigan, sometimes the third attempt. Thanks again......

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Warrior on May 29, 2015 said:

Wow.....what a beautiful and clean hot rod. If you have not done the Route 66 trip yet, Good Luck! If you have, I hope it went well. I plan to do the trip someday as well.

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rockingb on May 29, 2015 said:

Thanks Warrior, appreciate your stopping by. It is always nice to have someone else like your car.

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57timemachine on Nov 8, 2020 said:

I love the way you fly to your own colors and beat to your own drum. That is just one sweet looking time machine. I have always been a big fan of Buick motors and worked on my buddy's 53 Rivy hardtop with the very first Buick V-8 and his straight eights as well. Buick was always a class act. Cheers.

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Anonymous on Nov 8, 2020 said:

Thank you for the flowers, someone wanted it more then I did and pd the price, now its winning trophies on the east loss

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