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Chapter 38 ~ The Picture Show ~

Memories ~ Thru Christmas 2015 ~

~ My Family with my Mom, Dad and siblings before I was married ~

~ The Family Strength ~ " Eric Michael's new tattoo ~ " Hurry up will ya, my arm is getting tired " ~

~ The Original Family Members ~ "And I thought it was Dean that was always tired " ~

~ Merry Christmas ~ 2015 ~ " I'm late enough, now where did my Reindeer go...? " ~

~ Grandpa Nick and Grandson Eric ~ " My thumb still hurts " ~ " Don't worry about your thumb as I still can't remember where I put the milk " ~

~ Lindy's Baby ~ "Thank God I wasn't brought up in this other family " ~

~ Grand Parents ~ " We certainly do have a funny family " ~

~ Little Italy Mulberry Street ~ " Dam can't wait to grow up and become a part of Nicks Chapter 38 " ~



~ Produced in picture format ~ Thru Christmas 2015 ~

~ Author : Nick Mondelli ~

~ Actors : Family Members and Hollywood Stars and others ~

~ Editing : Nick

~ !dea : Eric and Nick

~ Executive Producer and Director : Nick

~ Key Grip : Mark Dell

~ Assistant Key Grip : Dean Del

~ Completed : December 26, 2015

~ The early years and beginning ~ " Starting to develop that Sophia look.!!! " ~

~ Meeting Eddie Fisher without his loves as he is keeping his eye on the other picture where he sees someone who he thinks resembles Sophia ~

~ The 1968 Carving ~ " I'm keeping an eye on Sophia " ~

~ The Original Rat Pack ~ " Has anybody seen Sophia " ~

~ Nick and sister Angela ~ " How the Hell did we get here...? " ~

~ Dean ~ " Twust me, right now I'm not tired " ~

~ Donna, Harly and Dean ~ " When are we going back to Key West, Florida where I can sleep some more in my doggy bed " ~

~ Self explanatory ~ " I'm sorry though, as I haven't been able to find Sophia " ~

~ Courtesy of famous Artist Scott La Baido

~ Two Beautiful People ~ " I would rather be holding Sophia though " ~

~ Daddy and Donna ~

~ Dina and Mark ~ " My Mom does look a little like Sophia "

~ Looks like party time for Sophia ~

~ "Play it again Sam, by the way, have you seen Sophia " ~

~ Thanks for having me too ~ Just gotta Luv this chapter ~

~ One more time once ~ " Hic " ~ Uva Key West , Florida ~

~ Dad's custom '49 Chevy ~ " We'll leave the light on for ya " ~

~ Lillian Gish ~ " Sophia ...? " ~

~ Ellis Island Honor Wall ~

~ Elizabeth ( Sophia ) in the early '60s ~

~ Bayville NY ~ Sophia visited this house several times ~

~ " I'm tired, zzzzzzzzz "

~ My beautiful wife Elizabeth and look-a-like Sophia Loren Lol ~ Click on the photo for a larger copy ~

~ " Don't argue with me, I'm telling you, she is Sophia Loren " ~

~ Now you tell me which one looks more like Sophia Loren, Lol ~

~ To The Moon ~ Jackie Gleason goes all out but can't find Alice, so now he is looking for, you guessed it, Sophia ~

~ Back Yard Barbecue with Mark and Family ~

~ Once upon a time a long time ago ~ The Mondelli's and the Campagnola's all got together to go to the Animal Farm ~

~ " Listen Sophia, we can change the end of this movie if we use a faster Plane" ~

~ Faster than a speeding bullet ~

~ " I always thought it was a good idea and funny too, but Grandma Claus didn't think it was so funny " ~

~ " Ohh Well, Nick gave it his best shot, but he made me laugh too and so it was really funny wasn't it...? " ~

~ Have a Happy Near Year 2016 ~

~ Cheers.!!!. me and the 'Donald' will both drink to that ~

~ " They like me, so me and Dicaprio will have a drink too " ~

~ " I'll drink to that " ~

~ Nick, Sophia and Eric ~ " I thought it was cute " ~

~ " I did think it had a little bit of a funny smell though " ~ wruf wruf

~ " Hey watch what you say about Nick's Chapter 38 or I'll cut you in half " ~

~ " I'd better keep my mouth shut before they lock me up again, besides I'm a Hundred years old and just can't take it any more " ~

~ " Ahhh.!!!... I think you all stink, so I'm keeping my gas mask on " ~

~ " You know what Sophie, I think this is so funny that I'm gonna Laugh my ass off, Ha Ha Ha " ~

~ " Ohhhh.!!!...No wonder why it has a funny smell " ~

~ " There must be a dead skunk in my shed " ~

~ " I think it's time for me to join the National Guard again, Lol " ~

~ " Like it or not I'm gonna give everybody a free hug for New Year 2016 " ~

~ " This Chapter 38 has been so long that I think we have both aged somewhat " ~

~ Francis Ford Coppola ~ " AHHH.!!!... What do they know about aging, I feel like I just made 'The Godfather' film yesterday " ~

~ "Talk to me when It comes to aging " ~

~ " Are you kidding, you guys are just kids when it comes to aging talk - Four score and seven years ago etc etc " ~

~ " Speaking about aging we're still waiting to be re- incarnated " ~

~ " I certainly think it's time to leave Elizabeth ( Sophia ) as these guy's are starting to bore me - Ha Ha Ha " ~

~ " All's well that ends well " ~

~ Several years ago me and my two grandsons ~ That's what it's really all about ~

~ One of my long time favorite drawing from 1953 ~

~ Another 1953 drawing ~ On this past Easter Weekend my grandson Eric showed me his new "I-Phone Watch" that had my drawing on the face ~ Amazing and very cleaver idea I must say ~ What will they think of next ~

~ One of my favorite photo's of me and my Dad's paisan in Akron, Ohio when I was about 16 years old and than traveled to Canada with my Mom to visit her brother Jack and his family too ~

~ Finally and at long last I give you the one and only Sophia Elizabeth Mondelli Loren ~

~ This picture is of my wife Elizabeth and it has been written that she resembled Sophia Loren when it was taken on our Honeymoon in Puerto Rico back in '61 ~ Thank For reading this comment and Happy Birthday Sophia ~ We also enjoyed seeing you at the St George theatre in Staten island on September 10, 2016

Lilly Vanilly said, "Your wife is stunning! I went to Sophia's evening too, even got to meet her" ~

Nick Mondelli's reply was, "Thanks much ladies ~ Both you and Sophia are stunning too ~ I was able to save Sophia's Video and placed it in my comical family story ~ If you would like to see it Lilly Vanilly click on this link lol ~ You can find it at the very bottom in the comment section ~ Both you and Sophia can leave a comment too if you would like to ~ " ~

This is the real Sophia Loren and Lilly Vanilly taken at the St George Theater on September 10, 2016 ~ Photo added on September 22, 2016 ~ Clinking on this photo and some of the others too will enlarge them for better up close viewing ~

~ This photo taken at the St George Theatre on September 10, 2016 when Elizabeth and I went to see Sophia Loren Live ~ Photo was added on September 22, 2016 ~

~ This photo taken at the St George Theatre on September 10, 2016 when Elizabeth and I went to see Sophia Loren Live ~ Photo was added on September 22, 2016 ~

~ A photo that was taken inside the St George Theatre ~ Courtesy for this photo goes to either my wife Elizabeth or Bill Russo as they have both take a photo of this scene and I am not sure who this photo actually belongs to lol ~

Video and audio clips

~ " You think I'm funny...?...Funny how " ~

~ I bring to you the one and only Sophia Loren ~

~ My Grandson's Band, "Wake Up Paradise" singing, 'I Want to Touch the Sky,


Profile of nickmon4321

928 car nuts gave this a thumbs-up. Do you? Thumbs-up


Mario on Feb 27, 2016 said:

Great job Dave! Love the Casablanca pictures too!

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nickmon4321 on Sep 21, 2016 said:

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nickmon4321 on Sep 21, 2016 said:

~ Don't forget to click on the link in the previous comment to see how beautiful Sophia Loren was from Childhood to Maturity ~ Thank You ~

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nickmon4321 on Sep 22, 2016 said:

~ Thanks much ladies ~ I was able to save Sophia's Video and placed it in my comical family story ~ If you would like to see it Lilly Vanilly click on this link lol ~ You can find it at the very bottom in the comment section ~ Both you and Sophia can leave a comment too if you would like to ~

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nickmon4321 on Oct 6, 2017 said:

on May 24, 2017 thru August 11, 2017 Nick said: ~ So that I have a memory of who I sent this chapter to I am going to keep the name and date of each recipient in this comment, but if any one wishes that I not mention their name in this area just let me know and it shall be removed without any hard feelings ~

~ Mary Ellen - '53 LIC Classmate - 8/10/17 ~ Lolly Wilk Schwartz - Old Hollywood Website - 10/6/17 ~

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