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~ Chapter 62 - America ~

Washington Crossing the Delaware, December 25, 1776

Jean-Antoine Houdon's statue, State Capitol in Virginia

Lieutenant General George Washington, Washington Circle, Washington, D.C.

George Washington's likeness under construction on Mount Rushmore

Lansdowne portrait, painted by Gilbert Stuart in 1796

~ The Declaration of Independence ~

George Washington by Gilbert Stuart, 1797

General Washington and Lafayette look over the troops at Valley Forge.

~ George Washington discussing the State of the Economy ~

George Washington by Rembrandt Peale, De Young Museum (ca. 1850)

General George Washington at Trenton by John Trumbull, Yale University Art Gallery (1792)

Washington Monument, Washington, DC

George Washington on the 1928 dollar bill

Washington family tomb at Mount Vernon (2014)

Sarcophagi of George (right) and Martha (left) Washington at the entrance to the Washington family tomb (2011)

Washington as President of the Constitutional Convention, issue of 1937

~ General Washington proudly riding his white horse thru the village towns people ~

~ Chapter 62 ~ George Washington Delaware Crossing ~


It all started when Elizabeth and I would go to the Pocono's many years ago where we once seriously were going to buy a summer home ~ Our next door neighbor in Staten Island had bought a home in that area and invited us up to the home that they had bought ~ What a beautiful home it certainly was and we too were interested in purchasing a similar type home in "Penn Estate" at that time in our life ~ Well as it turned out we never did go through with it for some reason or other and the home was not purchased even though as I seem to recall that we had put a retainer on a piece of property ~

We did however continue to visit that area and spent much time in the beautiful Pocono's either by visiting their town of Straudsberg, Pa or by going to a restaurant in that area ~ I can recall that one day we had gone to an Indian Museum and while in that building we came across some brochures that they had for people who might further wish to see other small towns in the vicinity ~ As one would have it we had picked out a brochure that was showing "Peddlers Village" in Pennsylvania further south so we got on Route 611 and off we drove ~ When we got there the day light had turned to night time and what we saw was all lite up like a winter fairy tale and we have now been going there for at least 40 years that also includes Lambertville, NJ and New Hope, Pa ~

One day from New Hope Pennsylvania we had driven South about 5 miles to the Washington Delaware Crossing two or three times and when we reached this location it is hard to explain the wonderful magical feeling that was bestowed upon us at that time ~ It was a feeling that we had never felt before in the past and wondered exactly what it was ~ I kept thinking if other people that came to this magical site also felt the same way that I did ~ It was much like a child when Christmas time is upon them and the feeling that they too get with all the presents that they receive ~ There were no presents this time but just that great feeling ~ The turn on was amazing and I never want to forget it ~

When we first reached this destination there was a barn like building with its doors wide open so that one could see the small boats that were to resemble the crossing made by General Washington ~ At Christmas time, during the day light an individual dressed like the General and his soldiers also dressed in the gear that resembled that period, each year do a re-enactment of the crossing ~ It is tough to imagine the way that they all felt back than, cold, trembling, scared and hungry but on-would they would continue to go ~

Although I have never gone into the building at that location there is a restaurant that I believe is called the Washington and probably serves food similar to the days of long ago ~ One day I hope to go in with my wife Elizabeth and enjoy the food from that time period ~ Also we have never had the proper time or weather to go to this location to witness the Crossing at Christmas time but mark my words it will happen one of these days when all is right ~ When we do go, we will probably go with my daughter Donna who lives in NJ and not too far from this site ~

I have attached a link for Wikipedia that will explain the further details for this marvelous re-enactment ~ A click on this link will bring you the details ~

Nick - February 23, 2017

~To view any of the video's below on full screen please click on YouTube and than again on enlargement ~ I still get the chills when I view these video's as this is where it all began ~

Video and audio clips

~ George Washington crossing the Delaware ~

~ Re-Enactment of George Washington crossing the Delaware ~

~ American Revolution - 1776 ~


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