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Rick's '70 Impala


More Cars of the 1970s
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1032 car nuts gave this a thumbs-up. Do you? Thumbs-up


ghpcnm on Oct 16, 2017 said:

Gorgeous !!!

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Anonymous on Nov 1, 2017 said:


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azmusclecar on Nov 3, 2017 said:

Love the two rear antennas...harkens back a few years I'd the Ralley Wheels and white lettered tire version. I'm sure a good detail job takes up the better part of 30 minutes huh? ;-)

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Anonymous on Nov 4, 2017 said:

Well 30 minutes would be nice if it were just that. My '63 Thunderbird, the '75 Corvette and the '62 Chevy II together don't take as long as the Impala

I've always liked the rear slanted antennas from the 60s so I bought and mounted these. Hated to drill holes in the old gal but told her it would only hurt for a few minutes.

I'm the second owner and the rear seat has never been set in. Yeh, I know. The original owner had a GM 8-track player mounted the day he bought it and it still cranks out the tunes.

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