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Colorized Mario's 1955 Chevy GM 50 Million Cars

1955 Chevy Bel Air

1955 Chevy Bel Air Parade in Flint, MI

Gold 1955 Chevy in production

GM 50 Millionth car being built

Preparing engine drop

Production of 50 Millionth GM Car

Final Inspection of GM 50 Millionth Car

Over 600 parts were 24ct Gold Plated

Announcement of 1955 Chevy as GM 50 Millionth Car

Public Display of GM 50 Millionth Car

Gold 1955 Chevy Bel Air GM 50 Millionth Car

Interior of 1955 Chevy

Golden CARnival Parade for GM 50 Millionth Car

Parade in Flint MI of 1955 Chevy

Transport to 1955 GM Motorama

1955 Parade of Progress

New 1955 Chevy Nomad introduced at GM Motorama

GM 50 Millionth Car reviewed at Motorama

Split view of 1955 Chevy at GM Motorama

Full Line of 1955 GM Cars at Motorama

Gold 1955 Chevy GM 50 Millionth Car Displayed

GM Project Cars at Motorama

Video and audio clips

1955 GM Motorama


More Cars of the 1950s
More Chevy Coverage

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Mario on Nov 7, 2020 said:

In honor of the occasion, the 50 millionth General Motors car was painted gold inside and out. It was fully equipped with a 265 cubic inch V-8 engine, powerglide, air conditioning, power brakes, power steering, power seats, electric windshield wipers and a signal seeking radio.

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57timemachine on Nov 7, 2020 said:

Mario, there you go again. Sharing some amazing car stuff with your fellow gear heads. I wonder what ever became of that special Chevy, does GM still own that beauty. Thanks for sharing. Cheers.

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Mario on Nov 7, 2020 said:

Thank you George. So much history that I don't want to lose and I enjoy sharing with my fellow gear heads. As far as the car it looks like it was unfortunately destroyed in a fire in NC a few years back. What a terrible loss. But we still have pictures to honor it. Mario

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57timemachine on Nov 8, 2020 said:

Sad to hear that the Golden 55 is no longer with us. Can you imagine what that car would be worth today if it was still around. I would be guessing a few million.

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Mario on Nov 9, 2020 said:

I'm sure you're right besides being one of a kind it was a 55 Chevy loaded with options and special paint! Such a loss to all of us. We need to take better care of our treasures. Take car, Mario.

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ghpcnm on Nov 9, 2020 said:

Thank you for sharing this piece of automotive history. That certainly was a gorgeous car. I wish it was still around.

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Mario on Nov 9, 2020 said:

Hi Dave, lots of 55 Chevys around but too bad this one didn't make it. We have to take care of all our Classics because once they're gone they're gone forever! Mario

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57timemachine on Nov 9, 2020 said:

Speaking of taking care of all our classics. I wonder what the near future will bring, when you consider that todays young folks do not care for these classic vehicles. I am not going to worry to much about it because I have every intention of enjoying both my time machines until I am too old to drive. After that, well who knows. Cheers.

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Mario on Nov 10, 2020 said:

Take a look at some of my other Pages in here regarding car shows dating back over 10 years. And look at the people attending. Many young adults, teens, and pre-teens here on Long Island, NY. I believe our classic cars will continue long after us. I have taken my son and grandson to these car shows many times and they look forward to going. The enthusiasm at the shows is overwhelming! I hope it spreads all over and continues. Take care, Mario.

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57timemachine on Nov 15, 2020 said:

Mario, that is probably more so in the U.S. I live in southern Ontario in Canada and I go to car shows and cruise nights constantly. That is until this Covid 19 melt down. I put 4,000 miles a year on my 57 Pontiac and 1,000 miles a year on my 74 Chevy going to countless car shows. What I have observed at the shows that I go to, is that it is mostly a bunch of middle aged and older folks that are involved in the hobby. I see very few young folks enjoying our old cars. Most of my buddies that are my age (62) and older, say that their teen age and adult offspring do not care for old cars. If things are that different where you are, then you are very lucky. Cheers.

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Mario on Nov 16, 2020 said:

Yes it sounds like it is different here but there was always a car enthusiasm here. How was it in Canada in the past, was it exciting there when new cars came out and did that slow down. When the foreign cars arrived here mostly in the 80's and 90's the older classic cars picked up excitement and has continued with younger generations. But I'm glad to hear there are still car buffs like you and your friends to keep it alive. I know I will continue as long as I can breathe!

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57timemachine on Nov 19, 2020 said:

Mario, until this Covid-19 meltdown. Car shows and cruise nights in my area of southern Ontario kept growing every year. More events, more vintage cars and more folks showing up and enjoying it. The love for cars here in Canada, has never been any different than the U.S. and that is certainly the case with vintage iron. I have just found that in the last fifteen years or so, the amount of young folks at events is minor to just about nothing. Maybe the main reasons is because the hobby is very very expensive and younger folks have their own interests, like being on a cell phone and doing that social media stuff. I am glad I grew up when I did and I would not want to be a young person today. Actually truth be known, I would have preferred to have been of my parents generation. The "Greatest Generation" lived during the best of times. Cheers.

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Mario on Nov 19, 2020 said:

Hi George, Glad to hear there is a lot of enthusiasm for classic cars still where you are although not so much the younger crowd. I agree they are into their own thing here too. But I do see a lot of younger kids around 10 years old or so that are into it with their Moms and Dads. I guess that's what they call Gen Z and younger. My parents too were the Greatest Gen but they had it very hard with the shortages of WWII and the pain of loss of so many loved ones. They just got out of the decade of the depression when the war hit. That was a lot but those who survived made them tougher and stronger. I'm not sure what our generation the Baby Boomers have contributed other than not starting a nuclear war. But I guess that was good enough. Regards, Mario

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57timemachine on Nov 28, 2020 said:

The generations after us are more into their cell phones and that whole social media thing. As far as cars go, the few that are into cars, are into Jap cars "Rice Rockets". I kind of feel sorry for younger folks because they have missed so much. At the age of 62, I would have preferred to be of my parents generation. I am so thankful that I was a young person when I was and not today. Cheers.

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Mario on Dec 18, 2022 said:

Hi George, just an update to how the Car Shows have exploded here and in Canada since Covid 2020.

You were at many car shows this year 2022 with hundreds into thousands of classic cars. Have you seen an uptick in enthusiasm for our favorite cars since this post in 2020? Cheers, Mario

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Mario on Nov 29, 2020 said:

I agree I am thankful for when I was born and not of this generation. I'm 73 years young, born in 1947, so I really remember the fifties and sixties. Life was simple then. Cheers to you, Mario

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57timemachine on Dec 18, 2022 said:

Mario, obviously we are all products of the times we grew up in. I am very thankful of the time I grew up in and not now. I count my blessings every day appreciating the time I grew up in but to be honest I would have preferred to be of my parents generation. That was the generation that really had it ALL together. As far as vintage automotive events goes. I find that there are far more events and of grander scale than ever. I do not see our great hobby dying any time soon. It just seems to be growing bigger and better every year. I do not get all these predictions of doom and gloom for our hobby. It will probably die after I am dead and gone. Cheers.

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Mario on Dec 18, 2022 said:

That is great to hear George and I agree I have seen many younger people at car shows this year. Not sure why but it's very uplifting and welcomed.

My newest grandson Brandon who is 3 years old Loves cars and has many matchbox cars that he plays with me with. I got him a ride on electric car for his birthday and he rides it every day. He loves it.

I also gave him some old matchbox cars like a 32 Ford, 69 Camaro, 57 TBird etc and he remembers each car by year and make! Amazing isn't it?

I look forward to taking Brandon to car shows this Spring, I'm sure he will enjoy it. Cheers!

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azmusclecar on Dec 19, 2022 said:

I guess I'll be the WET blanket here.

I have seen car shows increase, but not necessarily the AMOUNT of cars or people. Little Anthony's, an ICON of Tucson culture, I've attended for decades. Yes, decades.

What bothers me, is that I see the VOLUME of car shows increase, but the promoters motives are not as pure driven as the originals.

BUT, and there's always a BUTT! I have seen many food places having car shows now ONLY to benefit themselves from the public and car owners needing to eat and imbibe at the shows.

Food places have found their way into wallets using Car Shows. So now, drive around Tucson and you will find plenty of car shows, but very few cars. You can't take a car show of over 100 and have them divide into groups and still have car shows of 50 or over.

I used to belong to a car club known as The Door Slammers in Tucson. Sadly the creator died and may he rest in peace.

He, was institutional in developing a car club that was contacted by food and other establishments wishing to have our club put on a car show.

He mandated the requesting establishment either make a donation to a charity, there would be NO FEE ENTRY, AND, the members of the car club would get a discount on food and beverages.

AND the establishment had to provide 3 TROPHIES, to the public's choice of Best in Show.

Now I see high schools' using car shows of less than 10 cars to benefit cheerleaders. I see more and more car shows of 20 or less participants.

The diluted QUALITY of cars is now noticeable. How long does it take to view 10, 15, 20 cars????

It is we the car owners that pony up ALL the funds for the show and who walks away with a $3 trophy having been chosen over 8 other cars.

I never went to car shows to bring home a trophy. I attended because of my LOVE for the hobby and the comradery of car owners. The car club president made sure we were a "CLUB" and stayed together. We the members received benefits like free tickets to Race Car Tracks, to Tourist places like Old Tucson. To food establishments where we received 20, 30, 50% off food costs.

So I can see the volume of car shows growing, but to me, the quality of car shows has diminished.

AS I said, I hate to be a wet blanket but I grow weary driving to a car show maybe 20, 30 50 miles away to find less than 20 cars there. That assembly in now way represents the awesomeness of our hobby.

I am not a glass half empty kind of guy. I am realist who sees what I see and wonder WHY I am seeing what I am see.

I'm very selective of the car shows I participate in. Little Anthony's NEVER charges an entry fee. You can gladly make donations. You can only win once at Little Anthony's. And the food is good, and the DJ, DJ JOHN, IS a car owner himself.

There's jumping castles for the kids and other sources of entertainment for families.

And you best get there before registration closes if you want a nice parking spot. Car clubs are always welcome to attend in mass and you will see the long distance owners come to show off their rides from Phoenix, over 120 miles away.

That to me, is what car shows ARE.

Yes, I may be spoiled, but as stated above, I grew up in the 50s and 60s and I love what I love. I even lived 3 miles from Carlisle PA where it takes you days to see the whole show of GM, Ford, Corvettes, MOPAR, Foreign, and more.

Is bigger better? Well, is seeing 10 cars or 100 or even 1000 cars better?

No answer required. I've made my choice. I respect yours, kindly respect mine. Just like our cars, we are all different and special in our own ways.

I pray and hope we all can take younger generations to car shows forever. I'm glad to see the hobby is still alive. But I doubt if I will be attending any ALL ELECTRIC Car Show.

That will probably be a very quiet and boring show, at least to me.

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Mario on Dec 19, 2022 said:

Sorry to hear how the car shows have lost a lot of luster by you Rob. I too would be very disappointed if that were the case by me on Long Island.

Most of our car shows here are free attendance and entrant pays $5 per car, some are free to entrants also. Not all offer food for sale or rides for the kids. They are sponsored by Civic Associations or Towns or Car Clubs. It's not done to raise money but to just have a good time like it used to be.

We typically have at least 100 to 200 cars at the smaller shows and 1,000 plus at the bigger ones such as Patchogue or Bald Hill. I don't have to travel far to see a car show. My home town of Oyster Bay has one every week for free with at least 100 or more cars. I could walk there from my home it's that close.

From what I saw in George's posts this year he had Several 100 to over 1,000 cars at his shows in Canada. And it lasted all summer long into October. That's all good stuff.

Maybe the weather has a lot to do with it. Up North we're limited to Spring/Summer car shows so demand is high at that time. No Fall/Winter car shows. Too cold to be outside.

In any case have a Merry Christmas and a very Healthy and Happy New Year Rob and see you on American Torque. Cheers!

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azmusclecar on Dec 19, 2022 said:

Like the realtor always says: It's location, location, location.

I totally understand your point Mario.

And to you and yours A very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year.

See I didn't even say Bah-Humbug..... 0 ;-)

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Mario on Mar 14, 2024 said:

I colorized the B/W pictures.

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