My younger brother Mike was born in 1968 and this is also his year of preference for vintage cars. Mike has always loved the 1968 Chevelle and it may have something to do with the fact that I had one in the late 1970's. Mike had two 1968 Chevelle's, the first he kept a short time and the second we restored together. The second 68 was a Canadian Beaumont model that we converted to a Chevelle SS. I really enjoyed the bond that Mike and I had building this car. Mike enjoyed it for a number of years and then sold it. Mike has had many vintage cars after these 68's and continues to enjoy the vintage car hobby to this day. As his older brother I guess I rubbed him the right way. Cheers.
Mario on Apr 20, 2022 said:
Great pics George of your brother Mike's 68 Chevelles! Having owned 2 is amazing! Lots of good memories in this post! Cheers!
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