I took in the annual Barrie swap meet and car show that has been going on for over forty five years now. The pickings were slim of cars and parts when we got there but it was a great outing with my brother Mike and my good friend Ted M. I first went to this meet in 1978 with a 1955 Chevy 210 coupe I had then and with my kid brother when he was ten years old. Check out the rides. Cheers.
Mario on Jun 5, 2023 said:
Wow George two car shows in the same weekend! Lucky you! You said you were going to do this and you are. Nice cars too. The 55 Ford Crown Vic for sale is really nice and rare as well. The 69 Camaro looks in good shape and a wild looking Ford cab over fire truck! I imagine the truck can be raised to be driven in the street. Great car show George. Cheers, Mario
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