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Little Anthony's Car SHow

Dec 14, 2024 Tucson,AZ

To all the members hibernating themselves and their rides, here's a few pics of the Car Show held at Little Anthony's Restaurant Dec 14, 2004

I refuse to admit that the sun was too bright and it was a bit too warm.

I cannot put all the pics in any certain order like the professional posters like Mario and George.

These are just random pics of cars and assorted things catching my eye.

I'm glad to get this monkey off my back about posting a car show thread. Now I didn't have my 51 truck "Shortbread" there as it is still having issues sorted out. I did this for the love of the hobby.

I apologize for the poor camera shots. The sun was very bright and it was high noon and hard to get a true contrast. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I'll try better next time. Did I mention that I wouldn't mention how warm the sun was?

The turnout for the Car Show was a bit light, probably due to the holidays, or maybe it was the sun and heat. But this is the last Car Show of 2024 here at Little Anthony's. They have great food. I have a lot more pics but the quality is poor so I wont make you suffer.


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Mario on Dec 15, 2024 said:

Hey what a great surprise Rob seeing a nice warm car show in December by you in AZ. Lots of nice cars showed up too. That's a really cool restaurant Little Anthony's with a Fifties theme.

So many nice cars to list but I'll try. The 57 Chevy Bel Air HT is always a pleasure to see. Glad you have them by you the ultimate Chevy Fifties Icon.

I like the 61 Pontiac Bubbletop. Not too many around these days. Looks like it's in great shape.

So many great looking Hot Rods with huge V8's. Looks like a Ford Hot Rod Club you have there.

A couple of nice 40 Ford 2 door sedans and a pickup also. I always liked the famous Tear Drop headlights on that car as well as the Sargent tail lights.

Finally I see a 51 Chevy 2 door HT quite rare in its day and especially today.

Thank you Rob for letting us have a nice Car Show in December on a Sunday afternoon. Good job with your choice of pictures too.

I think we broke the freezing mark today for a high but it's back down in the twenties here now. I have to put another log in the fireplace. Thanks for the car show, Mario.

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57timemachine on Dec 17, 2024 said:

Rob, thank you for helping me with my shakes and withdrawal symptoms from no car show activity in my area. You kept me from looking for a bridge to leep from. I got dibs on the 66 Vette, the 57 Chev and the 61 Pontiac. That 60's VW shagin wagon made me smile and the 60 Falcon gasser made me want to go drag racing. Always fun to check out 50's era memorabilia. Rob, thanks for the winter fun in hot sunny Arizona. Cheers.

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