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2015 Piston Packin Mamas and Rat Patrol Spring Opener

1946 Chevy

'46 Chevy

1946 Dodge

'46 Dodge

1957 Chevy Bel Air

'57 Chevy Bel Air

1956 Chevy

'56 Chevy

1940 Ford

'40 Ford

1941 Chevy

'41 Chevy

1941 Chevy

'41 Chevy

1953 Olds

'53 Olds

1953 Olds

'53 Olds

1950 Buick

'50 Buick

1941 Nash

'41 Nash

1941 Nash

'41 Nash


2010 Spring Opener at Goldies - Cars 1950's and older
2010 Spring Opener at Goldies - Cars 1960's and newer
2010 Spring Opener at Goldies - Bikes
Piston Packin Mamas and Rat Patrol Spring Opener (Event Info)

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azmusclecar on Jun 6, 2015 said:

Great pics fav, the 53 Olds.....keep up the great eyes may get diabetes from all the eye candy but I'll risk it............

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