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CHAPTER 34 ~ "Flippin' Floppin' Fcukin" Sail Boat

August 18, 2015

~ Firemen that arrived at Boat Launching Dock awaiting word from NYPD Boat (s) that were investigating sail boat incident ~

...Fire engines and Ambulances at Boat Launching Dock

One of the NYPD Boats that came to the Boat Launching Dock after sail boat investigation

Although this helicopter was not the actual copter that flew to the scene it is a similar type that came to investigate and possibly help out at the sailboat incident

... Great Kills Park Bay where all the ships are docked off of buoys and where the Sail Boat flipped over on it's side...One can always find my wife and I sitting in our chairs, in the shade of that wonderful tree

Chapter 34 ~ Possible Drowning at Great Kills Park Bay ?

August 18, 2015

~ This Chapter 34 is dedicated to Ernest Borgnine RIP who has made over 300 films and my friend Mickey Burns who has made over 350 interviews including Mr Borgnine ~


Today was one of those "Marty" movie type days that goes like this ~ "What do you want to do today.!!!...I don't know Marty what do you want to do...? "

When people are retired many times that is their conversation each and every day and that is, trying to figure out what their next move will be...Well as it turned out and after turning down other moves, we decided that rather than go to the local Mall or other Malls in New Jersey where it is cool and other people are also close by, today we decided to go to Great Kills Park and enjoy our day under our special tree with shade, next to and overlooking the park bay area where there are many great ships and sail boats tied up awaiting their owners decision to come out and take them out for a ride or go fishing in them or whatever...

The park area today was not overcrowded as it was hot out and was also a week day (Tuesday) and most people are at work... As it turned out there was a young lady sunning herself near a park bench, an older gentleman with binoculars further on down from the young lady and also a young man sleeping on a bench down by the boat launching pad...Every one there was either retired or apparently had the day off from work...

My wife and I had settled under our favorite tree and were playing music on the I Phone that my wife has...We were also gazing out to the ships in the bay and I had zeroed in on this small sail boat with a white sail that also had a large green stripe going through the sail...The person in the sailboat kept going back and forth in the bay area as if he was using it for the first time and was practicing and learning how to use it when all of a sudden a gust of wind blew the sailboat over on it's side...

Startled and waiting for the boat to right itself up which it never did, I told my wife to call 911 and she hesitated for a moment as she had not seen what just happened...Apparently I was the only person who actually saw the boat flip over on its side as every one else was going about their own business and were enjoying the day on the shore line, and did not see the accident with the sailboat that was approximately about a half mile away from us...I thought to myself what if he hit his head and had no life preserver on...?

When I explained the happenings with the sailboat she immediately dialed 911 as she did not see the accident happen and being that the boat was laying on its side it now became hard to see it clearly...The first 911 call became disconnected and so she called 911 again...After calling again she got a reply and was put on hold and that too was again disconnected...Seeing what was happening I ran to the young lady that was sunning herself and as she saw the excitement on my face disconnected her ear plugs as she was apparently listening to music too.!!!...

I told her what happened and what I saw and pointed out the small dot on the water that was the turned over sailboat...After barely seeing the small boat that looked like a dot on the water she too called 911....After running back and forth between the young lady and my wife both of them had made contact with 911 and got the message through to their 911 listeners...

The older gentleman with the binoculars now came running to us and explained that it was an abandoned boat that sometimes always happens and there was no one in the boat...I explained to him that I saw someone in it and that the boat had just flipped over and it was not an abandoned boat....At this point we all started to go down to the man sleeping on the bench who now awoke and was also looking towards the turned over sailboat too.!!!

We than noticed a small boat coming out from the Marina so we assumed the call to 911 had reached the Marina and some one was coming out to investigate the turned over sailboat but as it turned out he was actually bringing some one to their parked boat...We than saw a NYPD boat and a Coast Guard boat heading to that general area and than also heard the sirens of Emergency Vehicles...Hopefully the man in the water that fell out of the sailboat had a life preserver on and was not injured in the mishap...The Emergency Vehicles that had arrived at the Boat Launching location where we were heading to, consisted of several police cars, ambulances and fire engines too, when we than heard and noticed a helicopter also approaching the area of the accident...

From what I was able to see from a half mile away of the incident and from my estimation was that the boat from the Marina that had dropped off a passenger to their docked boat, was actually the first boat to arrive at the turned over sail boat to offer any assistance and help...

At this point in time I noticed that the young lady that had been sunning herself started to take pictures with her cell phone of some of the happenings which was a good idea and that I would/could use in this story line later on...

I now noticed that the Sailboat had managed some way to right itself up and was now sailing again with apparently its owner and/or the man in the accident...One of the Police Officers shook my hand for acting so swiftly and said I did the right thing by calling 911 as we had no way of knowing if anyone was hurt in the accident... After all ends well that ends well we both returned to our positions before any of this occurred and I say again,

"What do you want to do tonight Marty...?"

Nick... 8/19/2015 Wednesday

~ Please leave a comment below, Thank You very much ~

..."What do you want to do tonight Marty...?"

~ Recent Photo of Nick in Richmond Town, Staten Island NYC who is also the author of Chapter 34 and an eye witness to the Sail Boat incident...Photo courtesy of Donna Marie ~

Video and audio clips

...This educational video was taken off of "You Tube" to demonstrate a similar type of sailboat that was viewed in Great Kills Park Bay...Watch how this sail boat tips over at 3.02 timeframe...


Profile of nickmon4321

639 car nuts gave this a thumbs-up. Do you? Thumbs-up


Anonymous on Aug 22, 2015 said:

just like you Nick to always be there when something is should write a book Dora

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nickmon4321 on Aug 22, 2015 said:

...Thanks Dora but in a small way this is that book that is currently up to 34 Chapters.!!!...Thanks again my 1953 Class mate from LICHS, by the way when is the next reunion...?

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nickmon4321 on Aug 22, 2015 said:

From: Mark To: nick Sent: Sat, Aug 22, 2015 11:16 am Subject: Re: Possible Drowning at The Great Kills Bay area...?

Nick You are a true Patriot and Hero. Well done

Sent from my iPad

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nickmon4321 on Aug 22, 2015 said:

From: Donna To: nick Sent: Sat, Aug 22, 2015 2:18 pm Subject: Re: Possible Drowning at The Great Kills Bay area...?

Wow very nice lil write up there.. I like that you used the photo I took of you at Richmond town. That really is a great one. Good work dad

Sent from my iPhone

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nickmon4321 on Aug 23, 2015 said:

...I agree with you Donna as I too like that photo that you took many years ago in Richmond Town...I guess Eric was physic as you may remember that you had asked him to step into that tree so that you might have taken that photo with him instead of me...As it turned out we put it to good use in Chapter 34.!!!...Eric probably knew that this sailboat incident was going to happen in the future (now)...HaHa

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nickmon4321 on Aug 27, 2015 said:

...Today we were going to Porta Bella Restaurant and on the way there we past by a Fire House in Great Kills and noticed that the Fire House # 162 was shown, which is also the same number on the Fire Engine in the photo...

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nickmon4321 on Sep 3, 2015 said:

...Today being a fairly very warm day, my wife and I went to this spot again and settled one more time under our favorite tree to cool off and watch the boat happenings if any...I noticed the NYPD boat was docked at the same Boat Launching Pad so I went over to discuss the Sail Boat incident with the NYPD Officer in charge...Since I retired in 2003 from the Police Department we had a lot in common and this was the boat as shown in the photo above and according to the Police Officer that I spoke with the other boat that showed up on that incident day was a NY Fire Boat and may not have been a Coast Guard boat as I originally thought...The only other interesting Bay Incident was of a young lady on a Floating Paddle Board in a bathing suit doing some Yoga Excersize on it just some 80 feet or so away from the NYPD Boat...So I say again, " What do you want to do tonight Marty...?"

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nickmon4321 on Jan 1, 2016 said:

~ Although a copy of this website story was furnished to 'The Staten Island Advance Newspaper' some time after the incident we did not hear a peep from them ~ I guess they are too busy to concern themselves with story's that are not covered by them...?

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nickmon4321 on Oct 18, 2016 said:

~ To the young lady that called 911 on her cell phone in August 2015 and that I met in Great Kills Park again today, don't forget to leave a comment in this comment section and than also click on the "thumbs-up" button as doing so will make you the 100th person to do so ~ One more favor would be to also click on the "Like" button too lol ~

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nickmon4321 on Jun 4, 2017 said:

~ So that I have a memory of who I sent this chapter to I am going to keep the name and date of each recipient in this comment, but if any one wishes that I not mention their name in this area just let me know and it shall be removed without any hard feelings ~ Thank You ~ Vito Mondelli - 6/4/2017 ~

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