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My daily drivers weren't worth much back then

The '57 Olds 88 convertible I had when i was 19

The '58 MGA I had after the Olds

Tle '57 Bel Air 2-door hardtop I SOLD for $350 in 1965


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57timemachine on Feb 20, 2021 said:

How many times have you kicked yourself over the 57 Chev.

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57timemachine on Feb 20, 2021 said:

I think I detect Ontario, Canada plates on your cars. What part of Ontario then and now. I am from the Milton, Ontario area but originally from Toronto. Cheers.

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muskoka_addict on Feb 21, 2021 said:

I was in Ontario from 1959 until 1966, then Montreal area 1966-1972, then Vancouver Island 1972-75, then Ottawa area again 1975-2001. Have been in Muskoka since 2001. Every time I moved I ended up selling cars and then buying again...

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Mario on Feb 21, 2021 said:

Nice 57 Olds conv at age 19. My first car was a 59 Pontiac Catalina conv at age 19. Girls loved the convertibles back then. Regards, Mario

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57timemachine on Feb 21, 2021 said:

The Beach Boys wrote a song about you back in the 1960's. "Round round get around I get around".

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azmusclecar on Feb 23, 2021 said:

Well don't you think we are driving classics NOW? I mean in 60 years we will be looked upon by car lovers saying WOW.....that guy was smart to keep that KIA Seoul. Or that Honda FIT.

So let's keep our future classics and watch our financial portfolio blossom and we can sit back and grin all the way to the bank.

Just wait 60 years and see if I am right or wrong. I've never been wrong. I've been mistaken many times, but never wrong.

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Mario on Feb 25, 2021 said:

So Rob you think I should have kept my 87 Hyundai Excel?

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57timemachine on Feb 23, 2021 said:

I never did believe in the tooth fairy, Santa Claus or angel's.

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azmusclecar on Feb 23, 2021 said:

Did you mean Charlie's Angels? They were real...

I know a man that fell asleep with his head UNDER the pillow and when he woke all his teeth were gone.

Santa Claus? he is NOT REAL???? :-(

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Mario on Feb 25, 2021 said:

You mean the Charlie's Angels weren't real??? I used to love that show! RIP Farrah.

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