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~ Chapter 10 - Part 1 - Carrie Fisher's Father, Debbie Reynolds and Nick's Custom '49 Chevy ~

Based upon a true life story

~ Photo was taken in Astoria, Queens, New York City around 1955 on the barely-used cutoff of Grand Central Parkway, that was later used for the extension to Brooklyn for the up-coming World's Fair of 1964.....'s_Fair

~ Who would have thought that I could design, build and paint a hot looking car like this '49 Custom Chevy but determination is all that is needed ~

~ Nick at the approximate age he was when he met Eddie Fisher just before this fascinating singer would become a part of the "rich and famous" crowd...

~ This photo of a Green '48 Chrysler was the car that I learned my driving skills on except that the original car was black and belonged to my friend and next door neighbor called Adam "Curly" Gornoris ~ The next car that I had for additional driving was my Dad's '49 Chevy that he allowed me to customize as seen in the pictures ~

~ A '49 Caddy and my Dad"s custom "49 Chevy are very similar in design ~

~ My Automobile teacher in High School taught me many things about cars including engine tune ups and brake repair jobs that I did not know before I took his auto class and a great guy too ~ He would always tell us to buy oil for oil changes that were manufactured in Pennsylvania as they were the best, but remember this was in 1953 tho ~ The oils of today are much better made and produced from many different locations ~ It appears that Mobil 1 is now one of the best oils to use so thats what I use when I go for oil changes for my 200 Chrysler ~

~ My Drafting Teacher sitting with the Principal and cabinet, second from right side, in High School taught me many things that I needed to know about design that included the T-Square and plastic angles that went on top of the T-Square ~ He also taught me how to draw with these tools and make measurements using three pictured angles of a faucet or any item that also included the thread measurements or whatever ~ When I was going to one of my final regents tests I bumped into him at a bus stop and he told me that I was already late for a Drafting Test but allowed me to take it anyway and I finished first even thought I started after all the other students and still got a 100% mark ~ Another great guy who was very short in size but a wonderful man indeed ~

CHAPTER 10 ~ (Part 1)


When I and a friend was in JHS 126 in Astoria, Queens [1949] this friend of mine and I would send away for live radio show tickets as T.V. was not yet that popular. The most amazing thing about these radio shows was the sound effects that had to be accomplished by the sound experts and were great to watch as they would use all kinds of strategies and techniques to accomplish the sound effects for the particular radio scene that the audience was viewing and also hearing on the radio. Sometimes we would see one radio show and than have to run to the next theatre to see another one all in the same day. Anyway, one day I went with my cousin [also named Nick] to go and see one of these radio shows. Nick had contracted polio back at that time and later would move to California but before he moved he would become the President of the Student Body in JHS 126.

Also in the late '40s me and a couple of friends played hooky one day and went to Manhattan in NYC and guess what ? A photographer just happened to be on a corner taking pictures of a new Walk Sign Invention and coincidentally took our picture (see photo) for all the world to see ~ That's me with the eyeglasses on between the two men with the hats and my two friends behind me named Rocky and Manny ~ lol

Getting back to this story about my Dad's Chevy when we got to the theatre in Manhattan the public was to go up to the balcony to watch the radio show while any performing entertainers were to go to the orchestra as they would be called to go onstage and do their entertaining.

When the radio show was over, Nick and I were about to leave and were outside of the theatre when one of the ushers called to us and asked if we wanted to go back in to view a live news TV show........of course we said "yes". The usher being a nice guy saw that my cousin was disabled allowed us to sit in the orchestra rather than drag ourselves back up to the balcony. The usher put us in the front row right next to this young entertainer with the silly name Eddie Fisher.

While Eddie Fisher was waiting to be called up to be interviewed and than sing some songs on the live TV news show, my cousin and I became pretty friendly with this young entertainer. As I was 14 years old and Eddie was 7 years older than me that would make him about 21 years old at that time, still unknown and waiting to become the famous guy that we all knew him to become.

Later on in life [1954] while listening to Eddie's singing on my dad's garage radio with his great hit songs, he gave me great inspiration to convert my fathers 1949 Chevrolet into the picture as shown above. The car became a small version of a Cadillac designed with 19 coats of paint, completely by me in my dad's home garage in Astoria Queens. The tires too were painted with a silicone rubberized type paint and resembled a normal "White Wall" tire...

The wonderful part of this story was that after I completed the changing of this car to a mini Cadillac, a few friends and I took it to Times Square in New York City and parked it on 42nd street [in those days there was plenty of parking there] to go see a movie. When we came out of the theatre we were amazed to see about a hundred people surrounding the car, I guess wondering what it was.

Continued in Chapter 19 (Part 2)....To see more photo's of this car and to read more of this story click on the following link.......

Nick........... May 22, 2011

...In Memory of George Barris customizer and designer of many Auto Mobiles, including the Bat ~ Mobile passed away today on November 6, 2015...RIP...He now sleeps with the Angel's and one day we Auto Luv-ers will all meet again

~ Elizabeth Taylor married to Eddie Fisher once played the part of Cleopatra in one of her films many years ago ~ She sure was a beautiful woman and drove many men out of their minds including my friend Eddie ~ Photo and text added December 14, 2015

~ Eddie Fisher with his wife Debbie Reynolds and daughter Carrie and son Todd ~ Carrie as we all know made it big in the film, "Star Wars" and a sequel to the original of about 40 years ago, will be opening in about one more week ~ So hang on to your hats as this sequel will be a "Block Buster" ~ Photo and text added December 14, 2015....Although the sequel to "Star Wars" made mucho money it did not receive the recognition that I expected at the Academy Award and only received, I believe, one Oscar ~ February 29, 2016 ~

~ Frank Sinatra who had his own problems with women, would come to Eddie Fisher's help when Elizabeth Taylor left Eddie for another Hollywood Star ~ Mr Sinatra because of his down and out situation due to a break up with a Hollywood Star would make a come back by getting the part in, "From Here to Eternity" as Maggio and win An Academy Award as supporting actor ~ Frank Sinatra photo revised on March 27, 2016

~ Frank receiving his award from his co-star in "From Here to Eternity " ~ Hmmm looks like he gave her one too ~ lol

~ Carrie Fisher all grown up ~ Let us all hope that her health gets better after her ordeal on the plane a couple of days ago ~ Photo added on 12/25/16 courtesy of Bonny Bisset ~

~ Today on December 27, 2016 Carrie Fisher has succumbed to her recent Heart Attach and is now talking over old times with her Father Eddie Fisher ~ May she Rest In Pease with her Dad ~ Courtesy of Rick Word Administrator of Hollywood Movies and Actors ~

~ I guess both of Carrie Fisher's parents loved Carrie very much but as it turns out Eddie's pull was the strongest ~ May she Rest in Pease with her Dad ~ Photo added December 27, 2016 ~ Unfortunately I just now read that Carrie's mom Debbie Reynold's has also died on Wednesday December 28, 2016 just one day after her daughter Carrie died ~ RIP

~ Debbie Reynolds' Son Todd Fisher Opens Up About His Mom's Final Hours ~ For this story please take a look at the last comment in the comment section posted at the bottom of this Chapter ~

~ In the late '40s me and a couple of friends played hooky one day and went to Manhattan in NYC and guess what ? A photographer just happened to be on a corner taking pictures of a new Walk Sign Invention and coincidentally took our picture for all the world to see ~ That's me with the eyeglasses on between the two men with the hats and my two friends behind me named Rocky and Manny ~ lol

Video and audio clips

Dedicated to my father Mike, the best dad ever.

In case the other Eddie Fisher music video of "Oh Mine Papa" does not work click on this one instead


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DickW on Feb 15, 2012 said:

So cool, old car custom on an old photo. I only see one exhaust pipe, no split manifold?

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Anonymous on Feb 16, 2012 said:

......sorry about're right though, "no split exhaust"....back in 1955 and at only 20 years of age, cash was hard to come by, but i certainly wish i had dual would of had the rumble that the '49 custom needed....but than again with a straight six engine the rumble would never have been as good as on a v8 engine.......thanks for your comment....your interest is much appreciated....nick {{:0)> ps.....i vaguely recall having adjusted the carb in order to have a lean gas/air mixture to give me a popping sound when letting off the gas peddle.....that was about the best i could afford in those days.....again, thanks

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DickW on Feb 16, 2012 said:

I found some original Fenton headers for Bevs 51 Chev, what a great nostalgic sound.

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Anonymous on Feb 17, 2012 said:

dick......i'm listening closely and i can almost hear that nostalgic sound for your bevs '51 chevy.....hope you enjoy and have great fun with it.....nick ((:0)>

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nickmon4321 on Oct 7, 2012 said:

........Thanks Tom ........Loved reading it........Those '49 Chevy's were great cars.......Looking forward to Chapter 2........Nick

-----Original Message----- From: Thomas To: Nick Cc: Angela Sent: Sat, Oct 6, 2012 12:07 pm Subject: Fw: 1949 Chevy

----- Forwarded Message -----

There is an interesting story to be told about my 1949 Chevy. In late March or early April 1951, the Korean war was in full swing. My age group, 19 years old, were being drafted. My friend Carl (no last names) , someone told me that once, and I decided to enlist. We also decided to take a vacation to Florida before we entered the USAF. We set out in the 1949 Chevy and started driving. On the way down we stayed in $5 motels and paid 20-25 cents a gallon for gasoline. Along the way we visited Marineland in Northern Florida, went to the Hollywood dog track and ended up in Ft. Lauderdale. We had a great time at the beach and the dog track. I remember one day we won about 6 races and still lost money. I decided then that I was not a gambler. That is until I got together with your sister. After a week we headed back home with about $50 bucks and a trunkful of grapefruit we handpicked. It would come in handy on our return trip. Someplace in Georgia on Rt. 17, The Ocean Highway, the 49 Chevy broke down. After awhile an old guy in a pickup stopped to help and found that the timing gear had broke. He drove into town and sent a tow truck for us. This all happened on a weekend and we could not get the car fixed until Monday. I called my father in NY and he wired enough money for the tow truck and repair bill. We got back on the road with enough money for gas and nothing for food. That is where the grapefruit saved us. We got back to New York safely and entered the Air Force on April 28, 1951.

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Anonymous on Oct 7, 2012 said:

I like what you did Nick, I have Chapter 10 on my favorites now. Tom

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nickmon4321 on Oct 9, 2012 said:

.......Atta way Tom.......Welcome aboard.......Nick

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ghpcnm on Dec 22, 2012 said:

I've seen another Chevy with the Cad rear somewhere, but I can't remember when or where it was. Thanks for the story.

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nickmon4321 on Dec 22, 2012 said:

Your certainly welcome my friend....I saw your website with the Buick Riviera and enjoyed reading the many comments....I had a friend that owned the Boat Tail Riviera and I will attempt to place that web site here for your reading if you are interested....Hope this works.....Nick...

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Anonymous on Mar 26, 2013 said:

My dad had a 1949 Chevrolet car with those Cadillac style tail lights on it. There was a sort of gasket between the fenders and the lights and you could the small round bead sticking out around the perimeter of them. 1954 Smithsburg, MD

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nickmon4321 on Mar 27, 2013 said:

Thanks for your post....Much appreciated....As I recall I saw those caddy fenders in a magazine and sent away for them back around the early '50s....These may have been the same as the fenders your Dad used on his car....In my particular case I wanted the fenders to become part of the car and I did not have the equipment to do it so I bought the fenders and the car to a body and fender place in Astoria, NY called 'Fender Menders' and had them weld the Caddy fenders the the Chevy fenders....They than filled in the separation of the two with lead so as it appeared as one fender...The rest of the work including the design and two tone paint job was done by me in my Dad's garage....Again thanks for your interest.....Nick

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nickmon4321 on Mar 27, 2013 said:

Incidently, if you would like to see more photos of this '49 Chevy and the story that goes with it click on the following link for six more pictures...

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nickmon4321 on Dec 9, 2013 said:

This past Saturday evening at 8 PM on December 7, 2013 I felt like I did a turn around in the Veterans Music Hall Theatre located in Snug Harbor on Staten Island by attending a beautiful and wonderful play called "Its a Wonderful Life"......The format of the play however, was done completely in a Radio Days setting with actors and sound affects just as it was done back in the 1940's......Boy.!!! it was just like going back in time when my cousin Nick and I met Eddie Fisher who eventually would meet and marry Liz Taylor....

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nickmon4321 on Jun 29, 2014 said:

The 1964 World's Fair has reached it's "50th Anniversary" this year and I believe there will be a special commenmoration and celebration in 'Flushing Meadow Park' Queens in tribute to its Honor........

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nickmon4321 on Jun 29, 2014 said:

This Chapter has a video of Eddie Fisher (RIP) singing "Oh Mine Papa" and because of Youtubes new technology, upon completion of this video (Eddie Fisher singing) a series of new videos will now appear for the users viewing.....One particular video is of Eddie being interviewed before his demise, by Bill Boggs that I never saw before and that I found to be quite interesting......

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azmusclecar on Feb 17, 2015 said:

This is a great contribution to this website. Reading and HEARING it makes it come to life. Just reading this, I learned more of a time before I was born and yet feel akinship to those older than I am. Thanks for a truly informative posting that makes your history come alive to those of us who weren't there with you, but took us along for the ride.

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nickmon4321 on Feb 17, 2015 said:

Thank you very much my friend...You don't know how much you just made my day...Thanks again.!!!...


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ghpcnm on Aug 4, 2015 said:

I really enjoy your blogs. Thanks for sharing them with us.

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nickmon4321 on Aug 4, 2015 said:

...Your certainly welcome my friend.!!!...Glad you enjoy them...As they say, "We try harder..."

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ghpcnm on Oct 26, 2015 said:

As always...I look forward to your page updates.

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nickmon4321 on Oct 26, 2015 said:

...That makes two of us partner...Any time at at all my friend...

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nickmon4321 on Nov 6, 2015 said:

George Barris California's great designer and customizer of Auto Mobiles who designed and made the "Bat-mobile" has pasted away.....RIP...I looked up to George Barris many years ago when I customized my Dad's '49 Chevy in the early '50s...

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ghpcnm on Nov 6, 2015 said:

I assembled several Chuck Barris model cars when I was a kid. He was and still remains an icon of automotive design. RIP

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nickmon4321 on Nov 8, 2015 said:

Thanks much my friend for your comment...Very much appreciated by me and George Barris too I'm sure

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azmusclecar on Nov 9, 2015 said:

What a life George Barris led. His talent and personality went a long way drawing many of us Ol' Skoolerz in to the car hobby. I know I sat in many classes with car magazines cleverly disguised inside chemistry, math and science books looking at custom rides by George Barris. Com'on guys, we all did it. RIP George....thanks for all your contributions to the hobby.

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nickmon4321 on Nov 10, 2015 said:

If it's any consolation to you guys I need to let you know that I live in Staten Island now for over 50 years and we have our own body and fender shop with the name, You guessed it, George Barris...So what goes around comes around...My wife and I pass by this place at least once a week because we go to an Italian restaurant located near by and that gets me thinking about the real guy with the name that we all know, "George Barris" RIP...

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ghpcnm on Dec 14, 2015 said:

Oh, My Papa...The memories make the heart grow fonder.

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nickmon4321 on Dec 14, 2015 said:

~ I know what you mean my friend so much so that it was necessary for me to up-date the photo's in the story line ~ Thanks for giving me that prod with your comment and make me realize that the revision was necessary ~

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ghpcnm on Jan 1, 2017 said:


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nickmon4321 on Jan 1, 2017 said:

~ Happy New Year to you and yours, and let us hope that we don't lose as many celebrities as we did in 2016 for this new 2017 year ~

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nickmon4321 on Mar 24, 2017 said:

When it came to Debbie Reynolds' final hours, the Hollywood icon had one heartfelt wish: She wanted to be with her daughter Carrie Fisher.

Shortly after news broke that the Singin' in the Rain star had passed away, Todd Fisher opened up to E! News about his mom's mindset.

"She went to be with Carrie. In fact, those were the last words that she spoke this morning," he shared with E! News. "More specifically, she said that she really, she was under a lot of stress."

Todd continued, "She held it together beautifully, obviously, for the last couple of days but she was under a lot of emotion and stress from the loss [of Carrie] and it's pretty much what triggered this event." Photos Celebrity Deaths: 2016's Fallen Stars Todd Fisher, Debbie Reynolds Amanda Edwards/Getty Images Debbie was hospitalized Wednesday afternoon after suffering a stroke at Todd's Beverly Hills home. She was ultimately transported to Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles.

On Tuesday morning, E! News also learned that Debbie's daughter had passed away after experiencing a heart attack while aboard a flight from London to Los Angeles. According to Todd, Debbie expressed to family that she really missed her daughter and wanted to see her again.

"She didn't get to see her because Carrie was on her way back from England and none of us really got to see her other than in the hospital," he explained. As the family continues to grieve in private, many fans are curious to know how Billie Lourd is coping with two close family loses.

"Carrie's daughter is 24 years old. To have to lose the girls, it's just horrible," Todd shared with us. "She's got their genes but you can't even imagine. I can't imagine being 24 and having to do this and I'm 59."

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Debbie's family and friends during this difficult time.

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nickmon4321 on May 5, 2017 said:

Joely Fisher says since the sudden death of her half-sister, Carrie Fisher, in December, she hasn't experienced the seven stages of grief -- she's experienced "more like 77."

The actresses are the daughters of Eddie Fisher. Joely's mother is actress Connie Stevens, and Carrie's mom is actress Debbie Reynolds, who died a day after her daughter.

Airing on Star Wars Day, May the Fourth Be With You, Joely opens up on Dr. Oz about her sister's legacy, and their last conversations with one another prior to Carrie suffering a heart attack on a flight from London back to the U.S.

"I saw her in November for her [60th] birthday and we had a grand time, the typical Carrie party," Joely recalls of her older sibling, adding that their last conversation was over text message. "[The texts] were from the night before she got on her fateful flight and I've saved them, screen shotted, backed them up onto, you know, other hard drives because, you know, I don't ever want to lose them. We talked about politics. We talked about our mothers, who were frail, both of them. And, our children and promised to see each other at Christmas, which I upheld. I was there... I think she knew I was there."

See photos of Carrie Fisher: Slideshow preview image 44 PHOTOS Carrie Fisher's best red carpet moments SEE GALLERY

WATCH: Dan Aykroyd Pays Tribute to Carrie Fisher at Actress' Emotional Joint Memorial With Debbie Reynolds

Carrie died on Dec. 27, but was hospitalized before Christmas Eve. Joely admits that it hasn't been easy going on with life without her sister. "I miss her around," she says. "I miss being able to call and, you know, make a joke about politics, frankly, anything."

Joely's hope is to be an inspiration to others just like her sister. "I think you either go dark or you go funny. ...You could lose yourself in tragedy and in sort of your own demons and she was determined not to," she says of the Star Wars actress. "I'm finding that, you know, not only were people fans, they looked to her for solace and for finding the funny and for knowing that if she could survive, that they could. And with her not surviving, they're looking for me."

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WATCH: Meryl Streep, Gwyneth Paltrow Among Those Mourning Carrie Fisher in Private Memorial Service

Also on Dr. Oz, The Insider's Michael Yo talks about how fans are coping months after Carrie's death. "When we heard she survived in the plane and made it to the hospital and was fighting, fighting, fighting, a lot of fans and a lot of people that loved her felt like we had hope that she was gonna win," he notes. "Then we heard that fateful news, it was just a tragic turn and a lot of people are still trying to cope with it."

WATCH: Todd Fisher Calls Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds' Relationship 'a Beautiful Love Story'


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ghpcnm on Jun 25, 2017 said:

I always enjoy and look forward to your updates.

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nickmon4321 on Jun 26, 2017 said:

~ Thanks again Buddy and see you next time lol ~ I always enjoy your visits too ~

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nickmon4321 on Dec 2, 2017 said:

nickmon4321 on Aug 20, 2017 said: on Jun 17, 2017 Nick said: ~ So that I have a memory of who I sent this chapter to I am going to keep the name and date of each recipient in this comment, but if any one wishes that I not mention their name in this area just let me know and it shall be removed without any hard feelings ~

shamindra thakur - 6/17/17 ~ TJ Welles - Hollywood Website - 7/1/17 ~ Gary Hewitt - Hollywood Website - 7/10/19 ~ Lee - Anne Howell - Old Hollywood Website - 8/15/17 ~ Levent Eaten - Old Hollywood Website - 8/20/17 ~ Connie Asbury Evans - Special friend - 9/21/17 ~ Sajjad Khan - Old Hollywood Website - 9/22/17 ~ Karen Bergstrom -Old Hollywood Website - 10/4/17 ~ Classic Cars Website - 10/9/17 ~ Dan Miller Jr - Vintage Pictures Website - 10/29/17 ~ Angela Santo - Family Relative - 11/2/17 ~ John Connolly - Old time Website - 11/10/17 ~ Gerri Weber Apostolos Adm. - Vintage Website - 12/2/17 ~

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ghpcnm on Dec 30, 2017 said:


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