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~ Chapter 40 ~ Staten Island Jurassic Park ~

~ Staten Island Jurassic Park ~

~ This guy is so tall that I cannot believe it myself ~ His roar alone will scare the daylights out of anyone ~ Just to clean his teeth he uses very large Bamboo Trees ~

~ The beginning of a real Jurassic Park is about to take place on Staten Island ~

~ One of the monkeys that has been working 24/7 ~

~ Enter at your own risk ~ Dangerous Bamboo Trees may be lurking at every step you take ~

~ Help from the locals is just a step away ~ Just be careful of the Bamboo Trees ~

~ At a moments notice we can sail away from this gorgeous Staten Island ~ Ship built entirely of Bamboo Wood ~


~ Chapter 40 ~


~ Staten Islands Jurassic Park

~ Author ~ Nick Mondelli

~ Director ~ Lance J. Reha

~ Credits ~ Nick and Lance


~ How it all began ~


~ Once upon a time and a not so long ago, there were two friendly Facebook Gentlemen having a conversation that went like this ~

Lance J. Reha - Nick, if you don't mind me asking, what is your age? · May 6 at 2:30pm

Nicholas Georgianis - 55 · May 6 at 3:48pm

Lance J. Reha - Not you the other nick lol · May 6 at 4:03pm

Nick Mondelli ~ Why...?...I'm old enough to drink beer if that is your concerns · May 6 at 2:39pm · Edited

Lance J. Reha - I am shooting a project for people over 70-75+ especially if they are still working or have a hobby they are still doing · May 6 at 2:42pm

Nick Mondelli ~ How about 80 plus ~ My hobby has been writing stories that were requested from my daughter several years ago ~

Lance J. Reha - For some reason I thought you were into carpentry. But, writing is great, coming from a filmmaker ; ) Do you have a special place where you do your writing? · May 6 at 2:52pm

Nick Mondelli ~ I have done much carpentry over the years but the writing is done at home on my computer ~ I have a whole bunch of self made stuff including but not limited to my Fireplace and mold making and even fake brick making ~ You probably remember the gazebo that I built in my yard too ~ · May 6 at 2:58pm

Nick Mondelli~ Click on the photo above to see the Gazebo ( now shown below ) that I built in the early '90s ~ That is the top photo where I have a glass full of beer that Nicholas Georgianis posted ~ This is the statue that I sculptured back in '68 ~ The glasses are removable tho and was only put on to resemble me ~ lol · May 6 at 3:06pm

Nick Mondelli ~ Another very interesting story that happened up the block from where I lived back in the '60s will be or can be read by clicking on this link ~

Chapter 23 - Fireball This photo looks very similar to the way it looked back in the early 60's up the road from my… AMERICANTORQUE.COM · May 6 at 3:26pm

Lance J. Reha - The project I am doing has to show the person doing the work etc... · May 6 at 3:47pm

Nick Mondelli ~ Lance J. Reha I discussed your Project situation with my Family today at our NJ Nonna's Restaurant where we celebrated our Mother' Day Holiday ~ There are two carpenter jobs on my property that I will soon be tackling that may fit into your Project and if your still interested maybe we can discuss them further ~ By the way did I see you at a Food Store on Amboy Road Saturday picking out flowers probably for Mothers Day...?...If not you may have a double out there ~ lol· May 8 at 10:20pm

Lance J. Reha - Yes, I'd like to document you on your project! And no, it must be my double lol.. 'Nonna's' on Rt. 9? · May 8 at 10:33pm · Edited

Nick Mondelli ~ Whats the next move and sorry about the double ~ lol · May 8 at 10:36pm

Lance J. Reha - Not much, you just let me know when you'll be working, where it is, the date(s) time(s)... e-mail · May 8 at 10:38pm

Nick Mondelli ~ Gotcha ~ · May 8 at 10:40pm

Lance J. Reha - Nick Mondelli or you can e-mail me on fb, your choice wink emoticon · May 8 at 10:41pm

Nick Mondelli Lance J. Reha ~ Yes Lance 'Nonna's' on Rt. 9 ~ Great restaurant and food too just like Nonna's next to the St. George Theatre but they have no connection as told to us by the waiter ~ · May 9 at 10:46am

Lance J. Reha - I believe the restaurant is "Enoteca Maria" and the 'Nonna's' cook there · May 9 at 12:02pm

Nick Mondelli ~ You are absolutely right Lance J. Reha as my wife reminded me that I have their card in my wallet and their name is, like you said "Enoteca Maria " and the 'Nonna's ' cook there ~ · Yesterday at 6:21pm · Edited

Nick Mondelli ~ Good Morning Lance J. Reha ~ I just saw much of your stuff on YouTube ~ You have a talent.!!! ~ A talent like a relative Joe Spinnel RIP also had but he was an actor tho and appeared in the Godfather 1 and 2 film and Rocky 1 and 2 film and many many more ~ This link is when my wife and I went to Sicily for our 50th and will have much of Joe's story too ~

Chapter 20 - Sicily Italy ~ Elizabeth my beautiful wife ~ Photo taken in the early '60s by yours truly, where we lived in… AMERICANTORQUE.COM

Lance J. Reha Ah the 'Maniac' himself, a great actor! · 9 hrs

Lance J. Reha So, you saw some of my movies... I have more that aren't on youtube · 9 hrs

Private message from Nick mondelli ~Thanks for your comment Lance and our proposed get together too ~ First off the weather has to be good that means no rain ~

I have Bamboo growing on my property that is starting to get out of hand so I was removing much of it and dumping it into the city garbage ~ Than I thought it is a shame to waste it and maybe I can use some of it in building a fence as my current fence is now about 50 years old ~ That fence was built by me and maintained by me too and is made out of Cedar Wood which explains the longevity ~ Some of that fence was removed by me years ago and used to build part of my Shed which is also over 50 years old ~ I will keep most of the rest of the Cedar fence and do a small portion of the fence made out of Bamboo as the Gazebo that I also built covers a portion of the Cedar fence ~

If I don't have enough Bamboo it grows very fast and there are many shoots that come up each year and grows about 20 to 25 feet all in one season ~The Bamboo that I planted many years ago was given to me from a man now deceased, by the name of Esposito who is the originator of the preservation of Light Houses out at sea that I believe is now going to be a museum in St George ~

The Cedar Fences were built around the late '60s with the help of some 5 neighbors one of whom went by the name of Tony Russo, now also deceased and was the builder of Mayor Dinkins famous Headboard known as the "Dinkins Headboard" that was always in the newspapers back than ~

How much advance notice do you need when I start to build the Bamboo fence ~ I live in New Dorp but will give you the address when you advice me of the equipment and other people that may or may not be coming for this project ~ My Grandson wants to be there too and is coming from NJ ~

TUE 11:24AM May 2016

Hi again Lance, just thought I would mention more detail to you ~ My wife has some concerns about this project and I can't say that I blame her because we have already been scammed 5 times alone this year but no one got thru tho ~ My famous neighbor Frank owner of the Coney Island Totonno Pizzeria has been hacked and had to redo all his stuff so you can understand my concerns ~ Even tho your FB wall looks legit to me can we meet some where before we do this thing ~ My grandson has said this weekend would be fine with him if it is also fine with you too ~ Also don't forget to answer my questions in my first message to you ~ Is this going to be photo taking and/or film taking ?

TUE 1:46PM May 2016

~ Lance I just surprisingly saw a new supply of Bamboo shoot, only one so far, coming up and out of the ground ~ Almost like having my own lumber yard in my back yard ~ I have started to cut and build the fence out of Bamboo just so that I know what I am doing and also to inspect and make sure that the underside material is strong enough to hold the new weight ~ Awaiting your reply ~

Thurs 7:48AM May 2016

~ Lance I will be working today May 12, 2016 in my back yard between 10am and 2pm at New Dorp ~ If you are still interested you can come thru the side entrance to my back yard directly ~ Hope to see you there ~ This is my unedited Trailer of Chapter 40 (lol) for your, at this time, only viewing ~


For info purposes only ~ Lance J. Reha IMDB ~

For info purposes only ~ Lance J. Reha ~ Still Photography ~

For info purposes only ~ For more " Lake Films - Directed by Lance J. Reha," always check out YouTube ~

~ Sculpture made by yours truly and reproduced from a mold also made by yours truly in '68 ~ Photo taken my my daughter Donna ~

~ My self built working Fireplace was done and completed in 1981 ~ Photo taken by my daughter Donna ~

~ A side view of my 1968 Sculpture with removable eyeglasses to resemble me ~ Photo taken by my daughter Donna ~

~ My wife and Grandsons with my self built Gazebo in the background built around 1990 ~ Some of my self built fence that can also be viewed threw the Gazebo may or may not be covered over with cut down Bamboo grown and taken from my back yard ~ Photo taken by my daughter Donna ~

~ Cupola built by yours truly with scraps of wood left over after I built the Gazebo ~ The top was built out of copper that I purchased from New Dprp Lumber and Coal that has gone out of business due to changing times ~

~ A photo of me and my daughter who asked me to write these Chapters of my life story ~ Photo taken by my wife Elizabeth ~

~ The Godfather 1 and 2 film that a relative of our Family named Joe Spinnel (RIP) was an actor in back in 1972 ~ Joe passed in '89 ~

~ I believe this photo and scene was from 'The Godfather ' Film 2 where Joe Spinnel was killed off that put him out of the third Godfather film ~

~ Totonno and Lombardi on the steps with Patsy in the basement cellar ~

~ Joe's Maniac Film that he Directed and Starred in too ~ It is now my understanding that this movie has become a cult Film too ~

~ Joe once asked me to teach him how to make a mold of a head but we never did get together for some reason or other for that education and I now believe that it was for him to make what you now see in this photo ~ I also have recently learned who did make the fake head for him too ~

~ I believe this photo may have been made in Times Square ~

~ Stallone and Spinnel in the "Rocky 1" Film ~

~ Making a visual inspection of how my new Bamboo Fence is starting to look like ~ Photo taken by my wife Elizabeth

~ This particular photo taken on Father's Day June 19, 2016 will show more of my work on the Bamboo Fence in "Bamboo Alley" ~ Click on the photo in order to get a larger picture and than be able to read my sign (Bamboo Alley) ~ Photo taken by my daughter Donna ~

~ Last years Father's Day photo also taken by my daughter Donna contained a Rainbow

~ Another Photo of me in the Gazebo that was built by yours truly in the early '90s and the new Bamboo shoots ( my lumber supply ) that have reached about the 25 foot level that I said would happen, along with the almost completed Bamboo Fence ~ Photo taken by my daughter Donna ~

~ "The Three Amigo's" none of which resemble Steve Martin ~ lol ~ Photo taken by my daughter Donna ~

~ The back view of my Tee Shirt to call attention to the Key West Uva Wine Shoppe owned and operated by two other Amigo's called by the names Dina and Mark ~ lol ~ Photo taken by my daughter Donna ~

~ A photo of My Daughter Dina and her husband Mark who live in Key West and are the owners of the Uva Wine Shoppe ~

~ Harley and Bella that are two Family members of Dina and Marks puppy dogs in Key West, Florida ~ Say something nice to your audience puppies ~ " wruff, wruff " ~

~ A very early photo of Dina in the wine shoppe known as 'Uva' at 519 Fleming Street, in Key West Florida ~

~ Photo of another elderly gentlemen that is in his mid 80's and also volunteered to participate in Lance's Project ~ Photo courtesy of Lance J. Reha ~

~ First picture from the photo shoot at about the same time that I lost a tooth ~ Photo courtesy of Lance J. Reha ~

~ God darn it, now why wouldn't this piece of wood fit over that bolt @#%!& ~ Please forgive my languish lol ~ Photo courtesy of Lance J. Reha

~ Squaring up the job ~ Photo courtesy of Lance J. Reha ~

~ The look of a hand with a story to tell ~ Photo courtesy of Lance J. Reha ~

~ The loss tooth that I mentioned earlier lol ~ Photo courtesy of Lance J. Reha ~

~ Now will I be able to get up ? ~ Photo courtesy of Lance J. Reha ~

~ I gotta be careful of the fly's ~ Photo courtesy of Lance J. Reha ~

~ Well I guess it's time to take a break ~ Photo courtesy of Lance J. Reha ~

~ Author and Writer - Nick Mondelli ~ Photo taken by my daughter Donna ~

~ Writer and Director ~ Lance J. Reha ~ Photo courtesy of Lance J. Reha ~

Video and audio clips

~ 1993 Jurassic Park Trailer ~

~ Lake Films ~ Director - Lance J. Reha

~ Lake Films ~ Writer and Director - Lance J. Reha ~

~ Lance J. Reha home town film ~

~ Great actor ~ Reminds me of Joe Spinnel ~ Director - Lance J. Reha

~ Director - Lance J. Reha

~ Best song "Forever My Darling " with Johnny Ace and Bad Lieutenant or maybe "Good Lieutenant " with Harvey Kietel ~ I t was said that Johnny Ace RIP one day played Russian Roulette and picked the wrong bullet ~


Profile of nickmon4321

523 car nuts gave this a thumbs-up. Do you? Thumbs-up


nickmon4321 on May 15, 2016 said:

~ Thanks Lance J. Reha for giving me the first 'Thumbs- Up' for this new and un-edited Chapter 40 ~

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nickmon4321 on Jun 20, 2016 said:

The bamboo fence looks amazing!

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 20, 2016, at 2:39 AM, <> wrote:

Hi Dina ~ Like you said, I am the "Great Contender" HaHaHa ~

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nickmon4321 on Aug 27, 2016 said:

~ On Tuesday at 8 A. M. on August 23, 2016 when Lance had finally gotten in touch with me after having some technical problems with his FaceBook messages, he and I met for the first time and after about 1 hour and 20 minutes the photo's as shown in this Chapter were taken ~ Since I had already completed my Bamboo Fence Job I decided to have Lance take the pictures of my Termite Infested Job instead ~ The photo's only show me replacing the wood that I had already previously removed before Lance had arrived on that day ~ I found Lance to be a very professional and talented young man with his Photography work, so Thanks again and one more time Lance J. Reha ~

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Anonymous on Aug 27, 2016 said:

Thank you Nick, it was a blast!

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nickmon4321 on Aug 27, 2016 said:

~ Who ever you may be Anonymous Thank You too and for your wonderful comment ~ lol

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Anonymous on Sep 1, 2016 said:

the Anonymous was me, Lance!

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nickmon4321 on Sep 1, 2016 said:

~ Ohh, HaHaHa, Thanks again than Lance ~ It sure was a 'Blast' ~

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nickmon4321 on Sep 1, 2016 said:

~ Ohh and one more thing Lance, Did you ever hear of "The Long Island Medium and her TV Show" ? Well anyway she too is a part of our Family ~ My Grand Nephew Mike and his mom are first cousin's with Theresa ~ Clicking on this link will get you to see her, Mike and his mom too ~

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nickmon4321 on Nov 1, 2017 said:

on May 24, 2017 Nick said: ~ So that I have a memory of who I sent this chapter to I am going to keep the name and date of each recipient in this comment, but if any one wishes that I not mention their name in this area just let me know and it shall be removed without any hard feelings ~

Patricia Bannister - Songs I Forgot - Irene - Songs I Forgot - 11/1/17 ~

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